All My Children Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on AMC in 2009

All My Children summaries from 2009
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January 5 to 9, 2009
Krystal learned that Tad and Jamie had been found and that Tad was returning home. Opal accused Krystal of being unfaithful to Tad because of her relationship with David. Opal decided to move in with Krystal until Tad returned home. When Tad finally arrived home, Krystal was not there to welcome him. David was annoyed after he spotted Jake working at the hospital. Jake said that he could continue to treat patients because he had filed a grievance for wrongful dismissal. JR continued to drink. Things turned ugly between JR and David. After JR beat David up, he tied him to the piano and demanded that David confess that he had deliberately seduced Krystal. Krystal intervened and stopped JR from shooting David. Bianca became increasingly uncomfortable with Reese and Zach's relationship. Ryan was stunned when he learned that Zach was Gabrielle's biological father. Tea leaves revealed to Opal that Greenlee would die on the happiest day of her life. She warned Greenlee and Ryan not to get married. Angie was told that Rebecca's tumor had stabilized after the first round of chemotherapy. Pete hired an escort to be his date in the hopes of making Colby jealous.
January 12 to 16, 2009
Randi's attempt to thwart unwanted advances backfired and she was nearly arrested for prostitution. Luckily, Jesse intervened on Randi's behalf. Natalia told Jesse that she had decided to join the police force. Frankie was mortified after he learned that some of his coworkers had watched Randi's sex tape. Reese and Erica had lunch together. Zach suspected that Erica had an agenda. Kendall's heart began failing. Zach was advised that Kendall needed a heart transplant to save her life. Josh robbed Zach's casino. He wore a mask so initially no one realized that the gunman was Josh. Annie was convinced that Greenlee had murderous intentions. Tad petitioned the court for custody of Jenny. Opal testified that Krystal had developed an addiction to pills. Krystal lost custody of Jenny. Angie and Jake decided to investigate David. While searching through his things, Jake found a cancelled check made out to Amanda. As Josh tried to flee the casino, with Reese as his hostage, Zach armed himself. Things took a deadly turn when Josh raised his gun to Zach. Shots rang out as Zach defended himself.
January 19 to 23, 2009
Amanda learned that she was pregnant. She feared that the baby was David's. Amanda decided that she wanted an abortion because she wasn't ready to be a mother. After JR found her pregnancy test in the bathroom, he jumped to the conclusion that he was the baby's father. Erica had to make the painful decision to take Josh off life support. His heart was donated to Kendall. Jesse was forced to arrest Angie after she broke into David's house. Angie refused to tell Jesse where she found David's illegal drugs. Jesse explained that her case was weak because there was no proof that David had given Krystal the pills. Annie remembered stabbing Erica and killing Richie. Reese reached out to Zach after Kendall's surgery. Bianca considered postponing her wedding to Reese until Kendall recovered and Erica had time to process Josh's death. Zach offered Brot a job at the casino. Brot suspected Taylor was behind it.
January 26 to 30, 2009
After three months in a coma, Kendall opened her eyes. Bianca and Greenlee were at her bedside. Kendall learned that Josh had died, she had received his heart, and Bianca was marrying Reese. Kendall told Zach that she wanted to have a baby, a little girl. Kendall was stunned when Bianca revealed that Zach was Gabrielle's biological father. Dr. Sinclair took charge of Aidan's case. She gave Aidan truth serum then began questioning him. He claimed he had checked into the sanitarium to make certain, "that bitch stayed locked up." Greenlee continued to have a bad feeling about her wedding. Ryan did his best to reassure Greenlee that she didn't have anything to worry about. Tad and Krystal argued bitterly. When she arrived to collect her belongings, Tad told Krystal that he had to stop packing because it had upset Kathy. Tad made it clear that David was not permitted around the girls. Krystal, furious, threatened to take Jenny and leave. Kathy overheard the acrimonious exchange.
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February 2 to 6, 2009
Erica advised Kendall to keep an eye on Reese. Kendall was released from the hospital. Once she was home, she told Zach that she wanted Bianca, Reese, and the girls to move out. Tad planted drugs in David's piano. As planned, Jesse went to Wildwind with a search warrant to search for the drugs. When Jesse found them, David was arrested. Kathy ran away from home. Amanda found Kathy and made the girl comfortable on her yacht. During their time together, Amanda decided to keep her baby. A miscarriage scare confirmed that the baby was David's. At Randi and Amanda's urging, Frankie changed the results of the ultrasound to establish conception after her liaison with David. Amanda moved into the Chandler mansion. Ryan persuaded Opal to give Greenlee another, more positive, reading. Greenlee was overjoyed to hear that she could go through with her wedding to Ryan without any worries. David proposed to Krystal, but she turned him down. Rebecca decided to stop her chemotherapy treatments. She confided to Frankie, but lied to the rest of the family about her reasons for leaving town for a short while.
February 9 to 13, 2009
David encouraged Krystal to open a café to honor their daughter's memory. Natalia and the Hubbards learned that Rebecca had died in a hospital in Denver. Before she passed away, Rebecca mailed a letter to Natalia. Ryan and Aidan joined forces to dig into Dr. Sinclair's past. Aidan found letters that asked for Dr. Sinclair's resignation after it was discovered that she had been involved with an unnamed inmate at the prison where Richie had been incarcerated. To Dr. Sinclair's delight, Annie confessed to murdering Richie. Annie was distraught when she learned that Ryan and Greenlee were to be married. Later, Annie escaped from Oak Haven. Kendall promised to attend Bianca's wedding on one condition: Bianca and Reese would move back to Paris after the wedding. Bianca agreed to Kendall's terms. Ryan witnessed a passionate kiss between Zach and Reese. Ryan and Greenlee decided to postpone their wedding because they didn't want to share their special day with Reese. Greenlee, dressed in a wedding gown and leather jacket, got on her motorcycle to find Zach. Kendall was upset after she heard Bianca and Reese tell Erica that they had changed their minds about leaving Pine Valley. Zach jumped into the passenger seat of Kendall's car, moments before she sped away from the lodge. Greenlee went over an embankment to avoid colliding with Kendall's out-of-control car. Bianca and Reese exchanged wedding vows.
February 16 to 20, 2009
Greenlee was presumed dead after her motorcycle plunged into a ravine and her body was washed away. Zach took responsibility for the accident to protect Kendall. Bianca learned about the kiss between Zach and Reese. Feeling betrayed, Bianca decided to end her brief marriage to Reese. Bianca was stunned when she learned that Reese had legal rights to Gabrielle. Kendall threw Reese out of her home. Ryan vowed that he would make Zach pay for Greenlee's death. Dr. Sinclair's secrets were revealed. The tables were turned on the diabolical doctor when she tried to inject Annie with a lethal syringe. Dr. Sinclair was rushed to the hospital where the deadly toxins were removed from her system. Reese turned to Zach for support. David ordered tests after Joe suffered a dizzy spell. Tad suggested that Krystal question David's desire to rush into marriage.
February 23 to 27, 2009
Reese agreed to sign over all rights to custody of Gabrielle in the hopes that one day Bianca would forgive Reese and allow Reese visitation. Bianca packed up the girls and returned to Paris. Krystal told Amanda that she overheard Jake and Frankie discuss the paternity of Amanda's baby; Krystal knew the child was David's. Krystal decided to accept David's proposal. Reese eavesdropped on a conversation between Kendall and Zach and discovered that Kendall had been behind the wheel of the car the night that Greenlee died. Later, Reese let the truth slip to Adam. Adam intended to use the information against Zach. Reese accepted Adam's invitation to move into the Chandler mansion. Taylor had doubts about Brot's commitment to their relationship after a heated argument. Brot admitted that he was having difficulty adjusting to life beyond the military. A grief-stricken Ryan continued to lash out at everyone.
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MARCH 2009
March 2 to 6, 2009
The residents of Pine Valley gathered to bid a final farewell to Greenlee. Mary Smythe, Greenlee's mother, was among the mourners at the memorial service. During an argument with Zach, Reese took a tumble. She crashed into a tray filled with crystal stemware. Zach chose to be with Reese, at the hospital, instead of with Kendall, at the service for Greenlee. Kendall told Ryan she feared she had pushed Zach too far. Reese underwent emergency surgery to remove glass fragments from her eyes. Reese was devastated when she realized that she was blind. The doctors were hopeful that Reese's vision would return. David told JR that Amanda had been paid to turn JR into a drunk. After Amanda moved out of the Chandler mansion, Adam advised JR to do what was necessary to get custody of the baby. Krystal agreed to marry David; they were wed the following day. David expressed his desire to have a baby with Krystal. Brot and Taylor reconnected as lovers. To prove to Adam that he was serious about not drinking, JR filled a glass with Scotch then set it out. Later, Little A drank the entire contents of the glass. Krystal called 9-1-1 when she found her grandson crumpled on living room floor.
March 9 to 13, 2009
David and Krystal moved forward with their plans to seek full custody of Little A. Krystal told David that Amanda was pregnant with his child. David blackmailed Amanda into giving a deposition stating that David never paid her to get JR drunk. After Amanda complied, David told JR the truth about Amanda's baby. Zach decided to move out. Kendall leaned on Ryan for emotional support. Zach hired Aidan to keep an eye on Ryan. Aidan accepted the job in return for Zach's promise to get Annie released from the sanitarium. Annie's grip on reality was tenuous. Annie's doctor was concerned that Aidan's visits harmed Annie more than they helped her. Opal was trapped in her home after it caught on fire. Taylor and Brot rescued Opal and Kathy. Kathy escaped without injury, but Opal suffered smoke inhalation. As Opal recovered, Jackson gave her the grim news that her insurance had lapsed and her fortune was gone thanks to an unscrupulous business manager. Opal was furious when she learned that Palmer was nowhere to be found. Frankie received deployment papers from the Army.
March 16 to 20, 2009
At Krystal's request, David signed papers relinquishing all legal claims to Amanda's baby. David poisoned JR in an attempt to lure Adam home. Jesse told Ryan that they might have found Greenlee's body. Kendall and Ryan were spared having to identify the body when they spotted Greenlee's ring among the items removed from the body. The coroner informed Ryan that DNA testing had been ordered to confirm that the body was Greenlee's. Ryan and Kendall turned to each other for comfort. Aidan picked the lock to Kendall's hotel room. He stood at the foot of the bed while Ryan and Kendall snuggled in their sleep. Reese saw a flash of light. She underwent surgery to restore her vision completely. The surgery was a success. Amanda decided to give her baby up for adoption. She asked Jake to help her stage the baby's death so that David wouldn't block the adoption. Aidan hired Pete to spy on Ryan. Randi told Frankie that she wanted to marry him before he was deployed to Iraq. Annie wanted Aidan to meet her new friend, Tori, but Tori was nowhere to be found. Tori warned Annie that Aidan would eventually disappoint Annie. Annie wondered if her inability to remember her childhood birthdays was the key to her mental breakdown. Erica returned to Pine Valley without Adam and Little A.
March 23 to 27, 2009
Erica informed JR that Adam was ill and had been hospitalized. Frankie asked Brot to be his best man. A justice of the peace married Randi and Frankie. JR was arrested after he tried to flee town with Little A. Little A went to stay with Angie and Jesse until a judge decided who would get custody of him. David took steps to secure custody of Little A. David threatened to expose Judge Salke's cocaine addiction and near drug overdose if he did not rule in David and Krystal's favor. Erica intervened when she realized David had blackmailed the judge. The new judge decided that Little A should remain in the custody of the court-appointed guardians until permanent custody could be decided. Ryan took control of Cambias Industries. Ryan and Kendall made love. Kendall wasn't sure if she wanted to save her marriage. Kendall believed that Zach had sabotaged everything, including his marriage, because Zach feared being happy. Reese encouraged Zach to fight for his family. Jackson and Opal scattered Greenlee's ashes. Brot told Taylor that he wanted to wait for marriage.
March 30 to April 3, 2009
David kidnapped Little A. Krystal persuaded David not to flee town with their grandson. Krystal returned Little A to the Hubbards' home. Jesse didn't press charges when Krystal pointed out that they had all violated the court order. Krystal defended David to everyone when an accidental fall resulted in a bruise on her face. Zach decided to move back home despite his impending divorce from Kendall. Kendall threatened to pack the boys up and move in with Ryan. Later, Kendall told Ryan that it was a bad idea to uproot her children. Ian was rushed to the hospital after he collapsed. Ian was diagnosed with a heart defect that required immediate corrective surgery. JR received a disturbing phone call. The Philadelphia hospital said that Adam had disappeared. Adam secretly returned home. Erica was unprepared for Adam's passionate kiss. Aidan found an article about a girl named Tori Atherton who had disappeared from Annie's birthday party. Annie remembered some disturbing things about her childhood birthday party. Annie introduced Aidan to Tori. Aidan realized that Tori was a figment of Annie's imagination. Jake and Amanda met with the adoption lawyer at ConFusion. Jake claimed that he was the father of Amanda's baby. The lawyer advised them to work things out and keep the baby.
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APRIL 2009
April 6 to 10, 2009
Adam's odd behavior continued to perplex the people around him. Erica was protective of Adam. Aidan helped Annie to recover traumatic memories from her past. Annie remembered how Tori had died. Emma began acting out; she hit another little girl on the school bus. Emma had questions about Annie's breakdown. Aidan told Ryan that Richie had killed Tori and then convinced Annie that she had committed the awful deed. Aidan claimed it had driven Annie to kill Richie. Aidan asked Ryan to allow Emma to visit Annie, but Ryan refused. Krystal suffered a miscarriage. Jake told Amanda that he wanted to be a father to her baby. Amanda didn't think David would accept Jake as the baby's father. Jake proposed leaving Pine Valley. Tad arranged for Jake and Amanda to get fake passports. Brot was recruited to work for the organization "Wounded Soldiers." Scott Chandler returned to Pine Valley. David decided to go into business with Scott after David checked into Scott's background. Ian's heart surgery was a success. David sent Ian home with his parents a few days after the surgery. Kendall and Zach kissed. Randi and Frankie made the most of their last night together before Frankie was sent to Iraq. David offered to be Frankie's surgical mentor when Frankie returned from Iraq.
April 13 to 17, 2009
Annie slipped out of Oak Haven to visit Emma. Ryan found Aidan's cell phone in the apartment. Ryan confronted Aidan about the phone. Aidan lied to cover for Annie. Ryan didn't believe Aidan; he called Dr. Burke. Aidan was informed that he could no longer visit Annie. Scott Chandler returned to Pine Valley. Adam managed to get to Krystal before her courtroom testimony. Krystal took the stand to testify against David. JR was awarded custody of Little A. After hearing, Krystal tried to repair her marriage. David felt betrayed by Krystal. David resorted to drastic measures to find out how Adam convinced Krystal to turn on David. Scott came to Adam's rescue. David informed Amanda that he intended to take full custody of their baby after it was born. Jake told Amanda that he found a new adoption lawyer. Tad asked Jake if he was in love with Amanda. Kendall signed divorce papers and gave them to Zach. Kendall told Ryan that she loved him. Ryan promised that he and Kendall would find a way to make their relationship work. Zach took advantage of his single status; he flirted with a beautiful mystery woman at the casino. The flirting led to more after a high-stakes game of blackjack. The mystery woman was connected to Jake Martin.
April 20 to 24, 2009
Zach had sex with a stranger at the casino. Zach opted not to exchange names with the beautiful redhead. Kendall was hurt when Zach told her about his tryst. Zach's mystery woman turned out to be Liza Colby. Liza reconnected with Jake; she promised to help Jake thwart David's plans for Amanda's baby. After Ryan filed a complaint, arrangements were made to transfer Annie to a new facility. Aidan obtained new identities for him and Annie. Aidan and Annie went on the run. Ryan tracked them down to a motel room. Annie managed to slip away, but Aidan was arrested. Opal had a terrifying vision of Annie standing on Ryan's balcony and holding up her bloody hand. Adam suffered more seizures. Angie had Adam's medication tested. JR made plans to rush a new prototype for a heart valve to the market. Scott turned down David's offer to be the first cardiologist to use the device. Krystal was distraught when she discovered that two of her friends from the past had died. Krystal went to see their daughter, Marissa. Marissa followed Krystal back to Pine Valley. Krystal dreamed that she had given birth to twin girls. Reese decided to fly to Paris to visit Bianca. Zach talked Reese out of taking the trip. Kendall followed Zach to the airport. Zach greeted Bianca and her children as they disembarked from a plane.
April 27 to May 1, 2009
Opal was plagued with disturbing visions of Annie, Adam, and Tad. Ryan received a package from Alexander Cambias. Alexander had decided to write his memoirs. Alexander blamed the Satin Slayer murders on Zach because Zach had dropped the Cambias name. In the manuscript, Alexander revealed that he had not murdered Dixie. Alexander warned Ryan that Dixie's killer would strike again. Tad turned to Jesse for help investigating Dixie's murder. Jake revealed that Amanda was pregnant with a boy. Colby had questions about Adam and Liza's relationship. Bianca and Reese reconciled. Reese moved back to Paris with Bianca and the girls. Kendall and Bianca worked through some of their problems and began healing. Adam tried to hide his lapses of memory from the family. Adam announced his retirement; he challenged Scott and JR to fight for Adam's position in the company. Pete talked to Opal about the power of positive thinking. Kendall insisted that her relationship with Zach was over and that she was ready to commit herself fully to Ryan. Marissa asked David and Krystal for a place to stay. The Hubbards received news that Frankie's envoy had been attacked. They lit a candle and prayed for Frankie's safe return. Krystal found Tad sitting in the dark bleeding from the head. Erica asked Adam if he had killed Dixie; Adam answered that he honestly didn't know.
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MAY 2009
May 4 to 8, 2009
David begged Krystal to tell him what Adam was blackmailing her with. Krystal confided to Tad that Marissa was Babe's twin sister; David was Marissa's father. Tad was shocked when Krystal confessed that she had sold Marissa. Ian required life-saving heart surgery. David was reluctant to use Scott's prototype heart valve. Kendall was convinced that the heart valve was Ian's only hope for recovery. Kendall enlisted Erica's help to pressure David into changing his mind. Erica turned to Adam for help. Adam struck a bargain with David. Dr. Chappell warned Adam and JR that the valve had a 60 percent chance of failure. JR tried to halt Ian's surgery. The prototype heart valve was used on Ian. Dr. Chappell appeared to have hanged himself. David instructed Gayle to increase Adam's medication. Amanda decided to leave town before she had her baby. She changed her mind and returned to Jake. Jake and Amanda declared their love for each other. Marissa took a job at the Yacht Club. JR saw a different side of Marissa. The Hubbards learned that Frankie's hands had been crushed in a machine during an ambush in Iraq. Brot was unable to determine the extent of the damage to Frankie's hands. Randi and Angie decided to fly to Germany to be with Frankie. Annie returned to Pine Valley.
May 11 to 15, 2009
Erica accused Gayle of working for David. Gayle denied being in cahoots with David. Ian's implanted heart valve failed. Ian was placed on a heart and lung machine. David claimed the heart valve was defective; Adam blamed surgical error for the valve's failure. David threatened Adam's life when Adam revealed that Marissa was David's daughter. Marissa decided to leave town after she discovered that David and Krystal were her biological parents. Kendall promised Zach that she would kill Adam if Ian died. Zach and Kendall left the hospital after Ian flatlined. Jake refused to give up on Ian; he eventually managed to get Ian's heart beating again. Annie kept Aidan a prisoner, in the basement of Ryan's building, while she hatched a plan to kidnap Emma. Tad showed Jesse evidence, which Tad believed proved that Adam had murdered Dixie. At the Chandler mansion, Kendall, Zach, and David were unaware of each other as they surrounded Adam, with their guns pointed at him. Annie, Opal, and Krystal were at the mansion's gates when a shot rang out. Adam fell to the ground as the voices of those he had wronged rang in his ears. Adam's final thought, as his eyes drifted closed, was that he deserved to die for all he had done.
May 18 to 22, 2009
There wasn't a shortage of suspects in the murder of Adam Chandler. However, it was Adam's identical twin brother, Stuart, who had been shot to death. Adam suffered a heart attack. Emma was impressed when Annie saved Adam's life. Adam was devastated when he learned that Stuart had died. Adam went to the morgue to see Stuart's body. Scott and Marian leaned on each other when they learned of the tragedy. A very pregnant Liza offered her legal services to Zach. Zach promised not to tell anyone that Liza had not been with child when he had sex with her the previous month. Liza revealed that she intended to adopt Amanda's baby and raise it as her own. Tad behaved strangely after his brain surgery; he constantly cracked jokes. Natalia showed Angie two prescription bottles that had been found at the Chandler mansion. Angie warned David that she intended to have the powder residue in the bottles tested. David turned to Gayle for an alibi for the time of the shooting at the Chandler mansion. Zach confessed to the murder in order to protect Kendall. Zach did not want Kendall at his arraignment. Jesse question Liza about her movements the night of Stuart's murder.
May 25 to 29, 2009
Pine Valley gathered to say goodbye to Stuart Chandler. Scott gave a touching eulogy as he shared memories of his father. Tad asked the mourners to sing along to Stuart's favorite song: High Hopes. Colby resented Liza's presence at the funeral. Jesse questioned Liza. Liza admitted that she had been at the mansion around the time of Stuart's murder. She pointed the finger of suspicion at Kendall. Kendall was arrested for Stuart's murder. Annie reached out to Kendall and offered some advice. Zach pled guilty to the murder charge. Zach was transferred to a state prison until his sentencing. Zach threatened to reveal truth about Liza's pregnancy if she did not recant her story about seeing Kendall just before the shooting. David faced an ethics committee after Angie accused David of maliciously tampering with Adam's medication. Gayle took the fall for David; she claimed she had altered Adam's medication. Afterwards, David gave Gayle a hefty check and asked her to look after an important patient who lived in another town. Marissa told Krystal that she didn't want to squander an opportunity to have a family. Krystal was delighted with her daughter's decision. Tad was released from the hospital. Liza told Jake that her plan to adopt Amanda's baby was not going to work out. Liza decided that she would have to pretend to suffer a miscarriage.
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JUNE 2009
June 1 to 5, 2009
Zach and Kendall talked about the night that Stuart had been killed. Zach and Kendall each insisted that they had not pulled the trigger. Both recalled hearing a gunshot ring out before they had the chance to fire their weapons. Zach and Kendall decided to get married, so that neither would be forced to testify against the other. Jackson suspected that Kendall had tripped over the killer during her flight from the terrace. Pete found a drop of blood on one of the letters that Liza had taken from the Chandler mansion on the night of Stuart's murder. Liza admitted to Zach that the letters gave her a motive to kill Adam. David confessed that he had intended to shoot Adam, but the thought of Marissa, Little A, and his unborn child had stopped him from acting on the impulse. Ryan found a picture of Annie with a gun that Emma had drawn. Ryan confronted Annie with the picture. Someone attacked Annie in jail. Annie was rushed to the hospital. Randi told Angie that Frankie had completely shut down. Angie was tempted to join Randi and Frankie in Germany.
June 8 to 12, 2009
Kendall claimed that she had seen David on the night of Stuart's murder. Zach accused David of the murder. David changed his mind about leaving town for Marissa's sake. Zach and Kendall shared a kiss after they learned that Ian's surgery had been a success. Ryan noticed the closeness between Zach and Kendall. Tad was ordained a minister, so that he could marry Amanda and Jake. Amanda went into labor and gave birth to a healthy baby boy. Amanda had second thoughts about giving her son up for adoption. Aidan went to Ryan with his concerns about Annie. Adam promised to help Annie regain custody of Emma. JR questioned Adam and Annie's sudden friendship. Emma faked an illness, so that she could visit Annie at the hospital. Randi decided to return home after Frankie shut her out. Tad became suspicious of Liza's association with Jake. Tad's concerns increased when Liza showed no reaction after a stray dart landed in the middle of her pregnant stomach. Marissa tried to persuade David to leave Amanda's baby alone. David learned where Jake and Amanda had flown for their honeymoon.
June 15 to 19, 2009
Liza was forced to reveal to Tad that she wasn't pregnant after a stray dart had landed in the center of her padded stomach. Tad begged his brother to call off the plans that Jake had for Amanda's baby. Tad did not realize that David, not Jake, had answered the phone. Amanda said goodbye to her son. Jake told David that the baby had died during delivery. David suspected that Jake and Amanda were up to something when his efforts to see his son's body were stymied. David decided to drown his sorrows at ConFusion. Afterwards, David drove drunk and hit a guardrail. Krystal, a passenger in the car, suffered minor injuries. David was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol. Annie kissed Adam. The judge sentenced Annie to house arrest. Adam tossed JR and Little A out of his home, so that Annie could move in. Jackson found a Christmas gift, meant for Ryan, in Greenlee's apartment. Ryan was deeply moved by the special gift. Ryan received a strange phone call; meanwhile, Gail scolded her mystery patient for calling Ryan. Erica offered Ryan support after she learned that he and Kendall had split. Ryan claimed that he had fallen in love with another woman and then kissed Erica. Liza agreed to represent Annie in exchange for Adam's help with Colby. Brot was hurt after he saw Taylor and Tad throwing back shots at ConFusion.
June 22 to 26, 2009
Scott wasn't thrilled by JR's obvious interest in Marissa. JR and Marissa shared a kiss. Henry North tried to rekindle his relationship with Randi. Randi made it clear that she was a happily married woman who loved her husband. Henry was determined to seduce Randi away from Frankie. Frankie was able to move his fingers after the surgery on his hands. Taylor and Brot discussed their relationship and decided to go their separate ways. Annie told Aidan that she appreciated everything that he had done for her. However, Annie trusted Adam to help her gain her freedom. Erica and Ryan decided to work together to bring Annie down. Things heated up between Adam and Annie. Amanda struggled with postpartum depression. David apologized to Amanda for contributing to their son's death. David asked Amanda and Krystal if they would object to him burying his son's ashes with Babe. Amanda and Krystal agreed to David's request; Krystal hoped it would give everyone closure. Liza pretended to go into labor. Tad had Amanda's baby in the car with him when the police pulled Tad over. Zach witnessed a revealing scene between Henry and his wife. Kendall and Zach urged Jesse to look into Henry's past.
June 29 to July 3, 2009
With Tad's help, Jake and Liza were able to convince everyone that Liza had given birth in the basement. Liza decided to name the baby Stuart. Colby found Liza's pregnancy pad, but Liza managed to explain it away. Amanda held the baby, but did not recognize him as her son. Amanda wanted information about the family who had adopted her child. Tad advised Jake to tell Amanda the truth. Tad recalled seeing a woman running in the Chandler gardens on the night of Stuart's murder. Tad confided to Ryan that the woman could have been Annie. Ryan took Tad to Henry North's office to give a statement. D.A. North quickly pointed out that Tad's vague recollections didn't exonerate Kendall. Madison warned Zach that Henry would succeed in convicting Kendall. Marissa and JR shared a tender moment. Marissa was hurt when JR admitted that Babe had been on his mind during their kiss. Erica confronted Annie with her suspicions that Annie had killed Stuart. Annie snapped and began choking Erica.
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JULY 2009
July 6 to 10, 2009
Annie attacked Erica when she accused Annie of killing Stuart. Annie claimed that Erica had provoked the attack by mentioning Emma. Kendall's plan to enlist Adam's help backfired. Henry lured Randi to a hotel room. Randi defended herself when Henry forced himself on her. After Randi fled the hotel room, Madison walked in and found her husband on the floor. When Henry asked for help, Madison admitted that she found it difficult to love her philandering husband. Randi returned to Henry's room to fetch her earring and discovered Henry was dead. Randi confessed to Jesse that she had killed Henry. Jesse helped Randi cover up Henry's death. Frankie sensed that Randi was troubled. Randi announced that she was pregnant. Krystal rejected David's attempts to reconcile. David became suspicious when Liza refused to let him near her baby. David turned to Marissa for help. Krystal found it curious when Jake didn't deny David's allegations. Ryan and Erica went sailing. Afterwards, they ended up drenched, so they dashed to Ryan's apartment to dry off. Kendall was surprised when she found her mother wearing nothing but Ryan's shirt. Zach suspected Madison of murdering her husband. Jackson learned that Kendall had been driving the car that ran Greenlee off of the road.
July 13 to 17, 2009
Jackson dropped Kendall as a client when he learned that Kendall had been driving the car on the night that Greenlee died. Zach threatened to expose the truth about baby Stuart if Liza didn't agree to represent Kendall. Liza hired Marissa to be her law clerk. Madison accused Randi of murder. Madison revealed to Zach that Jesse had helped cover up Henry's murder. Zach let Jesse know that he was aware of what had happened to Henry. Madison assured Jesse that she had destroyed the surveillance tapes. Frankie was surprised that someone questioned the paternity of Randi's baby. DNA tests confirmed that David was not the father of Liza's child. Amanda suspected Jake of lying to her. Jake confessed that he had arranged for Liza to adopt another woman's child, not Amanda's baby. Amanda was reunited with her son, Trevor. Emma claimed that she had suddenly recalled seeing Kendall shoot Stuart. Kendall's supporters suspected that Annie was behind Emma's new memory. Erica urged Ryan to spirit Emma out of town to keep her from testifying against Kendall. Kendall decided to accept the plea deal that Henry had extended to her. Adam covered for Annie while she visited Emma in secret.
July 20 to 24, 2009
David found himself drawn to Liza and her son. Marian threatened to disown Liza if Liza continued to represent Kendall. Emma revealed to Annie that she had seen Kendall shoot Stuart. Kendall received a visit from Stuart's ghost. Stuart told Kendall that the answer to his murder was buried in the past. Stuart urged Kendall to remember the night of his murder. Kendall was certain that she had shot Stuart. Annie struck a bargain with D.A. Willis. Willis agreed to drop all of the charges against Annie after he learned that Emma was an eyewitness to Stuart's murder. Willis gave Annie's journal to Adam, so that Adam would have a full understanding of what Annie was capable of. Adam was disturbed by what he had learned from Annie's writings. Adam asked Annie how long she had been planning their wedding. Tad was stunned when Jake and Amanda took Trevor home. Taylor agreed to hide the baby at her place until Jake and Amanda were ready to leave town. Randi was distraught after she received a package containing the bookend she had used to defend herself against Henry's assault. In Jesse's office, Randi doubled over in pain and was rushed to the hospital. Emma appeared to have suffered some type of breakdown after intense questioning.
July 27 to 31, 2009
Annie remained determined to be the next Mrs. Adam Chandler, despite Adam's decision to decline her proposal of marriage. Emma remained in a near catatonic state until she saw Adam. Emma reminded Adam that they both knew that Annie had not killed Stuart. Zach lured Annie into a trap to make it appear that she had made an attempt on Adam's life. Annie was arrested. Scott believed Annie's claims of innocence. Kendall was certain that she had killed Stuart. Kendall decided to confess to the murder. Taylor yearned for motherhood after caring for baby Trevor. Jake warned Amanda to stay away from Trevor, so that David wouldn't become suspicious. Taylor and Tad kissed. Krystal was surprised to learn that Tad was dating Taylor. Randi suffered a miscarriage. Angie was more certain than ever that Jesse was hiding something. Liza was exhausted after her colicky son kept her up all night. David lent Liza a helping hand.
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August 3 to 7, 2009
Zach and Ryan orchestrated an escape for Kendall. Kendall fled the courthouse, but later turned herself in. Once Kendall was back in custody, she confessed to Stuart's murder. Jake and Amanda revealed their plan to "adopt" Trevor. Jake arranged for David to discover that Amanda couldn't have children of her own. Tad, Taylor, and Amanda were forced to fill Opal in on their plans after Opal realized that Trevor was Amanda's baby. Krystal overheard Tad and Taylor talk about a baby. Later, Krystal mentioned the conversation to David, inadvertently piquing his interest. Adam invited Scott to move into the Chandler mansion. Annie was overjoyed when Adam proposed marriage to her. Marian struggled with her grief over losing Stuart. After Kendall was sentenced to life in prison, Marian pulled out a gun and then fired a single shot at Kendall. The bullet struck Marissa instead of Kendall. Marian was admitted to a psychiatric facility. Marissa was in stable condition after emergency surgery. Angie became suspicious after she witnessed an encounter between Madison and Randi. JR kissed Annie to make a point, but Annie was onto JR.
August 10 to 14, 2009
Ryan warned Annie that she would never get her hands on Emma. To Annie's delight, Scott came to her rescue when he ordered Ryan to leave. Annie urged Scott to pursue Marissa. Marissa was surprised when Scott kissed her. David witnessed the kiss between his daughter and Scott. Emma wondered if she had to continue lying to her father. Annie warned that if Emma told the truth, Annie would not be allowed to see her. Adam remembered more events of the night that Stuart had been fatally shot. JR kissed Annie to prove a point. Playful flirtation led to a kiss between Scott and Annie. Annie realized that her kisses with Scott and JR had been captured by Adam's surveillance camera. Kendall was surprised when Zach revealed that he had hired a double to take Kendall's place in jail. Zach had a secret room prepared in the house for Kendall. Angie learned that the police had re-opened the investigation into Henry North's death. Angie and Frankie suspected that Jesse had helped Randi to cover up Henry's murder. Things went horribly wrong when the plan for Opal to find Trevor was put in motion. Unbeknownst to anyone, Randi found Trevor. Erica and Ryan danced to Erica's favorite song.
August 17 to 21, 2009
Zach kept Erica from discovering that Kendall was living in a secret room in the house. Erica and Krystal went to Africa on a humanitarian aid effort. In Africa, Erica and Krystal battled a scorpion; the scorpion lost. Kendall was annoyed when Liza interrupted her romantic dinner with Zach. Kendall decided to write a book. Zach learned that David didn't father Liza's son. Liza's attraction to Zach grew stronger. Zach borrowed money from Adam in a bid to get closer to Adam. Madison's desperation for money led Jesse to issue a threat. Natalia warned Frankie that Randi would have to report that she had found the baby. Natalia was certain that someone was looking for the baby boy. Randi believed that God had led her to the find the baby. Angie attempted damage control when she realized how Henry's murder investigation would affect her family. Tad suspected that David was behind Trevor's disappearance. Tad turned to Liza for help. David tried to play matchmaker when he realized that Scott had feelings for Marissa. Marissa forgave JR.
August 24 to 28, 2009
Zach managed to keep Kendall's presence from being discovered, despite a parade of people traipsing through his house. Ryan suspected that Adam and Zach were in cahoots. Adam made certain that the judge ruled in Annie's favor at her competency hearing. The judge warned Adam that Ryan could pose a risk to Annie's freedom. Annie decided to capitalize on Scott's attraction to her. JR was stunned to learn that he had cancer. Marissa sensed that JR was troubled, but JR refused to tell her about the cancer. Marissa agreed to live at Wildwind until she recovered from the shooting. Liza acted on her attraction to Zach. Kendall was furious when she saw Zach and Liza kissing. Kendall wanted Zach to make love to her to prove that he cared for her. Amanda spotted Trevor in the hospital. David figured out the truth about his son; he held Liza at gunpoint until she confirmed his suspicions. Randi threatened to confess to Henry's murder if the Hubbards took the baby to the police.
August 31 to September 3, 2009
David forced Liza to reveal everything that she knew about his son. David was enraged when he realized that Amanda and Jake had lied about his son's death. Randi was distraught when Angie and Jesse prepared to take Matthew to the police station. In a desperate bid to keep Matthew, Randi threatened to reveal that Jesse had helped her cover up Henry's murder. Eventually Randi realized that if she went on the run with him, she would never be able to give Matthew the kind of life that he deserved. Amanda and Jake were reunited with Trevor. Amanda was devastated when Trevor was placed in foster care while custody was determined. David agreed to drop all of the criminal charges in exchange for custody of his son. David invited Amanda to move to Wildwind, to be with their son, but Jake was not welcomed. Amanda decided to agree to David's terms. Marissa agreed to keep an eye on David. JR decided to undergo chemotherapy treatments, but he remained determined to keep his cancer diagnosis to himself. Adam asked Scott to be his best man. Zach took steps to gain Annie's trust. Erica moved in with Zach in an effort to keep Liza from getting too close to Zach. Ryan decided that Spike would live with him and Emma. Kendall remembered the night of Stuart's murder; she had not discharged the gun.
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September 7 to 11, 2009
Emma turned to Zach for help. Emma wanted to see her mother, but she was terrified of going to the Chandler mansion. Zach took steps to get closer to Annie. Zach agreed to go along with Liza's plan to use Emma to get to Annie. Annie begged Scott to reconsider his decision to move out of the Chandler mansion. Annie promised to never kiss Scott again in order to preserve their friendship. JR sensed Scott's attraction to Annie. Kendall overheard Liza tell Ian that she wished Stuart had a father like Zach. Kendall tried to kiss Zach, but he pulled away. Kendall worried that her marriage wouldn't survive. Frankie and Randi continued to drift apart. Frankie went to the casino to drown his sorrows. Madison took advantage of Frankie's vulnerability. JR invited Marissa on a trip. JR opened up to Marissa and revealed that he had cancer. Jake went to Wildwind while David was at the hospital. Amanda was touched when Jake surprised her with a set of wedding rings that he had purchased. Amanda and Jake exchanged private vows as they put on their wedding rings. David was furious when he learned of Jake's visit. David insisted that Amanda chose between Trevor and Jake; she couldn't have both. Naturally, Amanda chose her son, but later she managed to sneak a visit with Jake. Jake and Amanda made love. Taylor suspected that Tad wasn't interested in getting serious with her.
September 14 to 18, 2009
Emma was reluctant to go to the Chandler mansion, so Zach agreed to stay close to Emma in order to protect her. Annie reminded Emma that what had happened to Stuart had been an accident. Zach overheard part of Emma and Annie's conversation. Adam recalled more events leading up to Stuart's murder. Adam had doubts about Annie. Annie had a dream that she was in bed with Scott. Scott wondered why Annie didn't want Adam to remember the details of Stuart's death. The hospital reinstated Frankie. Angie and Jesse were happy that their son could resume his career as a doctor. Erica and Ryan organized a dance marathon for charity. Annie implied to Ryan that she was protecting Emma. Frankie and Randi reconciled after Randi asked for a divorce. Madison was furious when Frankie rejected her advances. Frankie's hand was injured when he was forced to defend himself from Madison's attack. Madison drugged a bottle of water and then managed to slip it to Frankie. Randi ended up with the tainted bottle of water. Taylor was attacked in the bathroom. Liza almost discovered Kendall's secret room. Kendall was jealous after she witnessed Liza and Zach together at the dance marathon. JR and Marissa declared their love for each other; they went to Fusion's rooftop and then made love. Amanda and Jake staged an argument for David's benefit. Jake went too far when he referred to Amanda as a slut.
September 21 to 26, 2009
Ryan didn't believe Annie's claims that Emma killed Stuart. Ryan tried to gain Annie's trust in an effort to learn the truth about Stuart's murder. Annie realized that Ryan was not on her side. Ryan told Adam that Annie had pointed to Emma as the killer. Adam began to question Annie's innocence. Scott accused Annie of trying to keep Adam isolated, so that no one could plant seeds of doubt about her. Liza and Zach shared a few heated kisses; however, Zach insisted that he loved Kendall. Liza decided to cut all ties with Zach in order to salvage her dignity. Krystal asked Tad to forgive her for everything that she had done. Tad was unable to give Krystal what she wanted. Madison demanded that Frankie divorce Randi. Jesse accused Madison of murdering Henry. Madison refused to allow the Hubbards to gain the upper hand. Randi was horrified after she nearly gave in to the temptation to kill Madison. David decided to put aside his differences with Jake for the sake of Amanda and Trevor. Jake didn't trust David's change of heart. Amanda was crushed when Jake turned down the opportunity to spend the night alone with her and Trevor. Aidan discovered Zach and Kendall's secret when he found them huddled together during the dance marathon.
September 28 to October 2, 2009
Brot and Natalia won the charity dance marathon. Ryan and Erica's relationship heated up. Scott decided to continue living at the Chandler mansion in order to keep an eye on Annie. Adam's judge ruled in Annie's favor. Annie was delighted to be a free woman. JR decided to shave his head after his first chemotherapy treatment. Adam suspected that JR's new look was a result of a drinking binge. Jake and Amanda drifted further apart thanks to David's machinations. Zach discouraged Liza from pursuing a relationship with him. Zach and Kendall had an honest discussion that drew them closer together. Liza sprang into action when D.A. Willis decided to interview Kendall in jail. Liza's efforts paid off when Willis left the prison without talking to Kendall. Stuart's birth mother, Bailey Welles, contacted Liza. Bailey wanted to find her son. Madison attempted suicide, but the Hubbards suspected that it had just been for show.
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October 5 to 9, 2009
Angie refused to help Madison commit suicide. Frankie saw Madison in a new light after meeting her father, James. Madison confessed to Frankie that she had killed Henry. Madison gave Frankie a key to her safety deposit box, so that he could have the surveillance tapes of Randi entering and leaving Henry's room. James arranged for his daughter to be transferred to another hospital. Trevor was christened; Jake and Marissa were his godparents. Jake feared that his marriage was doomed to fail because Trevor was an unbreakable bond between Amanda and David. Colby felt betrayed after she learned that Liza had lied about Stuart. Liza and Colby worked things out. Bailey filed a petition for custody of Stuart. Liza asked Bailey to move in with her, Colby, and Stuart. Liza hoped that Bailey would realize that Stuart was where he belonged. Aidan and Zach kidnapped Annie and then hid her in Kendall's secret room. Aidan interrogated Annie in the hopes of forcing a confession from her. Adam claimed that he remembered what had happened the night of Stuart's murder. Emma overheard Ryan and Scott discuss Annie's claim that Emma had killed Stuart. Emma denied shooting Stuart. Emma agreed to tell Ryan the secret that she had been keeping if she could talk to her mother first. Jesse arranged for Annie to be transferred to Ryan's apartment. Adam, Scott, and Erica arrived at the apartment moments later. Emma fled the apartment while the adults argued. Adam tried to give chase, but Emma became frightened when she saw him. Tragedy struck when Emma took a nasty tumble down a flight of stairs.
October 12 to 16, 2009
Brot passed his entrance exam to the police academy. Natalia was hurt when her father missed her graduation ceremony from the police academy. Emma stumbled down a flight of stairs after she fled her father's apartment. Emma required emergency surgery to relieve the pressure on her brain. Everyone anxiously waited for Emma to wake up. When Emma sensed that she was alone with Annie, she asked, "Mommy, is it okay to open my eyes now?" Kendall's double was stabbed in jail. Jesse was forced to arrest Aidan for Annie's kidnapping. Later, Erica paid Aidan's bail. Kendall raced to the hospital to take her double's place before the authorities learned of the switch. Kendall's double refused to return to jail. Kendall and Aidan went on the run. Natalia was forced to fire her gun when she spotted Aidan and Kendall in the woods. Jake gave Zach a letter from Kendall in which she promised to return to Zach as soon as her name was cleared. Adam recalled more details from the night of Stuart's murder. Annie shared an explosive secret with Scott. Scott was firmly in Annie's camp. Bailey felt overwhelmed by motherhood after spending hours trying to soothe Stuart, who was teething. Liza assured Bailey that it would take some time for Bailey to adjust to caring for a baby.
October 19 to 23, 2009
Annie persuaded Emma to keep silent about their secret. Annie tried to manipulate Emma into moving in with her, but Ryan managed to outsmart Annie. Scott and Adam agreed that Annie should move in with Ryan, so that Annie could be close to Emma. Emma recalled seeing Adam standing on the patio, with a gun, just before Stuart's murder. Emma did not react well to the news that Annie intended to marry Adam. Emma threatened to tell her secret if Annie went through with the wedding. Scott's drunken ramblings led JR to suspect that Scott knew who had killed Stuart. The Hubbards received word that Madison had died of an unexpected complication following surgery. James Beardsley gave the Hubbards the contents of Madison's safety deposit box, including the incriminating tape of Randi entering Henry's room. Kendall and Aidan remained on the run from the law. Aidan suffered an allergic reaction to some medication, but Kendall was able to nurse Aidan back to health. Aidan stole a laptop, so that Kendall could contact Zach. JR proposed marriage to Marissa. Marissa happily agreed to marry JR. David was furious when he learned that Marissa and JR had eloped. Ryan and Zach enlisted David's help to drug Adam, so that Zach could question Adam about the events leading up to Stuart's murder. David offered to share custody of Trevor if Amanda agreed to have another baby with him.
October 26 to 30, 2009
The citizens of Pine Valley gathered at ConFusion for a Halloween party. Damon, Stuart's birth father, arrived in Pine Valley. Bailey lied to Damon about Stuart; she claimed that he was the son of a friend. Bailey called a sitter to watch Stuart, so that she could go to a party with Damon. Amanda agreed to have another baby with David via artificial insemination in exchange for joint custody of both children. David demanded that Amanda abstain from sex until after the baby was born. Aidan's fascination with Kendall grew. Kendall was oblivious to Aidan's feelings for her. Kendall and Zach communicated through a poetry website. Kendall and Aidan managed to stay one step ahead of Natalia. Jesse enlisted Brot's help to keep Natalia from following Kendall and Aidan. Brot noticed Natalia's reaction when she saw him without a shirt. Natalia confessed that she admired Brot's bravery, strength, and confidence in the face of what fate had dealt him. David helped to drug Adam, so that Zach could question him about the night of Stuart's murder. Scott interrupted Zach's interrogation. Scott warned Annie that despite her best attempts, Adam's memory was returning. Emma had a change of heart about Adam after she saw him with Little A. Ryan, Erica, and Zach resorted to Plan B. Adam was horrified when he recalled shooting his beloved twin brother.
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November 2 to 6, 2009
Adam was overwhelmed with remorse when he realized that he had killed his own brother. Adam contemplated taking his own life, but Annie intervened at the last moment. Scott offered Adam forgiveness. Adam decided to confess to shooting Stuart, but Annie managed to persuade Adam to remain quiet; she revealed that she was pregnant. Adam and Annie decided to get married right away. Guilt weighed heavily on Adam's conscience as he and Annie prepared to exchange vows. Adam collapsed from the pressure. JR struggled after he learned that one of his friends from the support group had lost his battle with cancer. JR received news that his cancer was in remission. Angie confronted David after she realized that Adam might have been drugged. David admitted that he had tampered with Adam's medication. Angie demanded that David step down as chief of staff. David named Angie as his replacement. Amanda agreed to David's proposition, but she was concerned that she might not get pregnant right away. Liza was not impressed with Damon; she warned Bailey that Damon would never change. Aidan and Kendall rented a room at a boarding house. Kendall didn't realize that Aidan and their new landlady, Kat, had shared a past. Aidan continued to conspire against Zach.
November 9 to 13, 2009
Adam collapsed during his wedding ceremony. While Adam was unconscious, he went to purgatory. Adam decided that he had to live for the sake of Annie and the baby. Ryan suspected that Annie was lying about her pregnancy. When Ryan called Annie's bluff, Annie tried to fake a miscarriage to cover her lie. To everyone's surprise, Jake confirmed that Annie was indeed pregnant. Aidan and his friend, Kat, continued to conspire against Kendall and Zach. Kat sent a message to Kendall, from Zach, explaining that he had been up all night with Liza working on Kendall's case. As expected, Kendall was jealous at the thought of Zach and Liza spending time together. Marissa realized that Annie was covering for Adam because Adam had killed his brother. JR was stunned by the news that his father had shot Stuart. David chose an out-of-town clinic to do the artificial insemination. David arranged to conveniently run out of gas while on the way to the clinic. Amanda was upset at the prospect of having to wait another month to get pregnant. David suggested that he and Amanda try getting pregnant the old-fashioned way. Amanda eventually agreed to have sex with David, but with certain stipulations. David agreed to Amanda's terms. Madison hid out in Frankie and Randi's apartment. Madison was determined to confess to her crimes, but before Jesse could take Madison to the police station, she was kidnapped.
November 16 to 20, 2009
Jake confirmed that Annie was pregnant. Ryan, Erica, and Zach decided to plant the seeds of doubt about the paternity of Annie's baby. Scott was determined to move out of the mansion. Annie pleaded for Scott to reconsider. After Adam viewed the DVD of Annie and Scott kissing, he decided to set a trap to see if it would happen again. Adam was devastated when a DVD confirmed his worst fear. After a bitter argument with Adam, Annie collapsed and then suffered a miscarriage. Annie's situation remained grave after surgery. Adam decided to confess to killing Stuart. James Beardsley claimed that Madison suffered from schizophrenia. A heavily sedated Madison managed to slip Jesse a note begging him for help. Amanda agreed to sleep with David. Amanda's emotional state was fragile after she had sex with David. Jake suspected that David had raped Amanda. Amanda denied the accusation, but she remained jumpy around David. Ryan found Greenlee's medical files on David's computer. David claimed that he had been doing research on artificial insemination. Aidan and Kat continued to conspire against Kendall and Zach. Zach questioned Aidan's intentions. Aidan drugged Kendall. Zach arrived at the boarding house in time to see Aidan and Kendall in an intimate embrace.
November 23 to 27, 2009
Aidan drugged Kendall and then hired Candy to stand in as Kendall. Aidan arranged for Zach to see what appeared to be Kendall and Aidan making love. Zach was blinded by rage. When Zach returned to Pine Valley he announced that his marriage to Kendall was over. Adam confessed to Stuart's murder. Kendall was elated when she read the news. Aidan took steps to make certain that Kendall did not return to her family. Scott provided a blood test to prove that Adam was the father of Annie's baby. Annie lingered in a coma until Adam declared his love for her. Scott and Annie were arrested as accessories to Stuart's murder. Adam insisted that Liza represent Annie. David learned that he had a motility problem that made it unlikely for him to father a child. David decided to take a paternity test to see if he was Trevor's father. Amanda confided to Angie that she had slept with David. Angie urged Amanda to tell Jake the truth. Amanda took Angie's advice. Jesse showed Angie the note that Madison had written asking Jesse for help.
November 30 to December 4, 2009
Jake was deeply hurt when Amanda confessed that she'd had sex with David. Jake decided to quit his job and then leave town. Jake changed his mind after Trevor was rushed to the hospital with a high fever. David hatched a scheme to claim that he had only six months to live. Amanda believed David's lies. Jake was skeptical of David's illness, so he asked Angie to verify that David was sick. Angie confirmed that the medication that David was taking was used to treat a rare form of cancer. Tad suspected that David was mirroring JR's situation in the hopes of manipulating Amanda. Opal had a premonition that Kendall was in danger. Kat turned up on Zach's doorstep to deliver something that she claimed Kendall had left behind. Zach found Kendall's wedding ring inside the envelope that Kat gave to him. Zach tried to ease his broken heart by seeking comfort in Liza's arms. Liza rejected Zach's advances. Liza offered Bailey exclusive use of the apartment, in order to stop Bailey from moving out with Stuart. Liza and Colby temporarily moved in with Jake. Damon tried to take advantage of Bailey's new living arrangements by claiming that he wanted to be a family with her and Stuart. Krystal decided that she wanted to start a new business. Tad was impressed with her plans for an old-fashioned establishment that served coffee and candy and provided musical entertainment. JR suffered a setback after he coughed up blood. Tests revealed that JR's cancer had returned. JR decided to postpone treatment, so he only shared the news with Tad.
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December 7 to 11, 2009
Aidan arranged for Kendall to overhear him "execute" Kat. Kat didn't understand what Aidan hoped to gain by pretending that he had killed her. Kat warned Aidan that Kendall would never love a man who had committed cold-blooded murder. Erica tracked down Kendall. Aidan threatened to kill Erica if Kendall caused trouble. Kendall believed Aidan's threat, so she explained to Erica that she wasn't ready to return home. David continued to take steps to convince Jake and Amanda that he was terminally ill. David announced that he wanted to make amends for the awful things that he had done. Tad advised Jake to make peace with David, in order to keep a close eye on David. Colby was stunned when Liza turned Stuart over to Bailey without a fight. Liza didn't believe that she would prevail in court against Bailey. Bailey appreciated Damon's unexpected support. Madison went on the run after she had been beaten. Erica and Ryan decided to take Madison to the Miranda Center. Frankie was called to the center to examine a patient; he was stunned to discover that it was Madison. Tad and Krystal decided that they should date other people. Annie questioned Adam's loyalty to her after he had failed to return her phone calls. Annie didn't trust Liza to properly represent her in court, so she fired Liza.
December 14 to 18, 2009
Annie decided to represent herself in court. Adam testified on Annie's behalf. According to Adam, he had faked his memory lapse of the shooting. Adam took full responsibility for the cover-up that had followed Stuart's death. Liza told Adam that his double jeopardy gambit had been a brilliant move because Adam couldn't be tried twice for the same crime. The judge urged Annie to ask for a dismissal. The judge granted Annie's request; Annie was delighted to be a free woman. Adam vowed that Annie would have the respect that she deserved. Erica realized that James had been abusing Madison. James persuaded Randi to help him find Madison. Randi was furious when Frankie defended Madison. Randi regretted giving Madison up to James once she learned about the years of abuse that Madison had endured. Jesse decided to issue an arrest warrant for James. Kendall managed to contact Zach and Ryan before Aidan caught her. Kendall enlisted Kat's help. Zach tracked down Kendall and then overpowered Aidan. Kendall and Zach reunited. Kendall begged Zach not to kill Aidan. David hosted a party in order to announce that he was terminally ill. David wanted to right his wrongs. David offered everyone he had wronged something that each deeply desired. Tad didn't believe that David was dying. David learned that Marissa didn't know that JR's cancer had returned.
December 21 to 25, 2009
Aidan was arrested. Aidan claimed that the loss of Greenlee had profoundly changed him and that he wanted Kendall to suffer as deeply as he had. Kat agreed to cooperate with the authorities in exchange for immunity from prosecution. Kendall and Zach were temporarily waylaid on their way home. As Opal had feared, Kendall and Zach wrecked their rental car. Father Clarence appeared at the scene of Kendall and Zach's accident. Father Clarence helped Kendall and Zach realize what was important in their lives. Kendall was overjoyed to be reunited with her sons on Christmas. James vowed to destroy Jesse. Madison warned her father that if he didn't plead guilty then she would reveal all of his dirty secrets. Marissa surprised JR with plane tickets for a trip to Rio de Janeiro in January. JR decided to tell Marissa that his cancer had returned and that he would be undergoing another round of chemotherapy after Christmas. Liza was tempted to use compromising pictures of District Attorney Willis and Judge Martha Sams to further her career. Liza confronted Willis with the pictures. Willis invited Liza to do her worst. Liza decided to destroy the pictures. Liza was stunned when she learned that Willis had been killed in a single-car accident. Liza feared that Willis might have committed suicide. Amanda overheard David making plans to go to Gloucester. Jake recalled that Nurse Gayle had been working in Gloucester. David was astounded when tests confirmed that the treatment for his mystery patient had saved her life. David's mystery patient was Greenlee.
December 28, 2009 to January 1, 2010
David was delighted to discover that Greenlee's condition was improving. David decided to ease Greenlee off of the medications that had kept her in a coma. David revealed how he had found Greenlee and why he had decided to keep the truth about her condition from her loved ones. Greenlee dreamed of her life with Ryan. Tad was suspicious when David flew to Gloucester instead of spending his last Christmas with Trevor. Tad tracked David to a bar in Gloucester, unaware that Greenlee was hidden in the back room. David spirited Greenlee out of the bar before Tad found her. Annie made it clear that she intended to have a relationship with Emma. Adam and Annie carefully manipulated Ryan. Adam and Annie were secretly delighted when Ryan decided to take them to court, in order to keep them away from Emma. The judge for the custody hearing was in Adam's back pocket. Adam and Annie decided to renew their wedding vows. Kendall and Zach were happily reunited with Spike and Ian. The Slaters reconnected as lovers. Zach suggested that he and Kendall make a fresh start by traveling around the world. Erica supported Kendall's decision to take an extended trip with Zach and the children. Ryan agreed that it was best for Spike to remain with Kendall. Opal had a premonition that something "big" was headed straight for Emma. In Opal's vision, Emma stood on the Chandler patio as she watched a helicopter land.
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