Days of our Lives Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on DAYS in 2002

Days of our Lives summaries from 2002
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January 7 to 11, 2002
Nicole finally told a devastated Faye the truth about Paul and how he had used his own daughter as a porn queen to get rich. Brandon realized Sami's insecurities about Austin's friendship with Nikki. Bo tried to calm Hope's fears and convince her that she needed to proceed with J.T.'s DNA test. Lexie's behavior and the extremes she was willing to go to with Rolf's help to keep custody of Isaac were disturbing, as poor, unknowing Abe defended her honor to his friends. Everyone was beginning to believe that Lexie had known of the baby switch from the beginning. Mickey and Roman were shocked to learn that John was J.T.'s birth parent. Roman warned Bo not to let John ruin his marriage as he had Roman's with Marlena. Marlena's comfort and support were no consolation to a shattered Belle after she learned that John and Hope had fathered J.T. Belle couldn't bear to look Shawn in the eye, but was still there to try to help Philip and Chloe reunite. Jan swore Shawn to secrecy when she told him that she was pregnant and needed his help to get an abortion. Bo and Hope prepared to break the news to Shawn about J.T.
January 14 to 18, 2002
Bo, Hope, and Shawn united as a family to await J.T.'s DNA results. Shawn reeled over the possibility of his family losing custody of J.T. and was still in shock that John and Hope had a child together. Marlena told Sami about J.T., and then Sami reminded her of John's past before they were together -- and warned her to be leery of Kate's real motives for working at Basic Black. Sami was up to her old tricks again and lied to Austin about taking Will to visit Lucas. Brady and Philip argued again over Chloe, Nicole got the boot from Victor, and Austin and Nicole's friendship progressed. Lexie and Rolf bribed Attorney Reece to foil the Reibers' chances to get custody of J.T., while keeping Abe in the dark. Lexie's scheming put her Salem friendships on the line. Jan asked Shawn to help her arrange for an abortion. Belle and Shawn bonded over their family problems.
January 21 to 25, 2002
The Bradys' and Blacks' worst nightmare was realized: the DNA proved that Glenn was J.T.'s biological father. After a horrific fight between Bo and Glenn, Shawn and Belle decided to kidnap J.T. so Glenn couldn't take him away. In a very heated argument, John accused Lexie of manipulating the entire baby switch, planting memories of Princess Gina in Hope, and having knowledge of the entire matter. He even explored the possibility that Stefano could be J.T.'s father. Abe was horrified that his lifelong friendships with the Bradys and Blacks were in jeopardy, but he defended Lexie. Jennifer gave Colin a piece of her mind and decided to continue to date Brandon. Nicole evicted Greta, causing Jennifer and Jack to spark feelings in each other that were quite unexpected. Austin questioned Sami's motives and their relationship. Will awaited a visit to Lucas, while Sami was returning to her old persona of plotting and planning to get her own way. Shawn and Belle went to Lexie for financial assistance while on the run.
January 28 to February 1, 2002
Lexie harbored Shawn, Belle, and J.T., but later manipulated and betrayed them to look good in eyes of the Blacks and Bradys. Bo had words with Shawn about abducting J.T. Hope and Marlena discussed their feelings about Princess Gina's memories of loving John. John was convinced Lexie had been in on the baby switch from day one. Rolf convinced Lexie to take whatever action was necessary to keep Isaac. Cameron tried to convince Glenn and Barb to drop the custody battle so she could collect on her deal with Rolf. Roman disagreed with Sami and encouraged her to allow Will to visit Lucas. Kate put her plan into action to use Austin and Will to aid in Lucas' recovery and to put Sami in her place and out of their lives once and for all. Greta moved in with the Deveraux family and then gave Jack an ultimatum about telling Jennifer about his sexual orientation. Brandon told Jennifer that she was not over Jack. Nicole warned Brandon about Jennifer and was annoyed with Jack's outlandish behavior. Philip tried to reconnect with Chloe, Cynthia wanted revenge on Philip, and Belle was annoyed again with Jan's neediness for Shawn.
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February 4 to 8, 2002
Shawn tried to talk Jan out of having an abortion, while Belle was frustrated over their secret alliance. Much to the Bradys' horror, Glenn was awarded visitation rights to J.T. Philip and Brady both tried to win Chloe's heart as she reflected on her special relationship with each of them. Nicole gave Victor somewhat of an ultimatum regarding their future. Kate delighted in the effectiveness of her plan to speed up Lucas' recovery through Will and to put Sami on the defensive, demonstrating to Austin the selfishness of his future bride. Colin apologized to Jennifer for his behavior to her when they'd met in Ireland. Greta almost revealed Jack's secret to Jennifer as he scrambled to do damage control.
February 11 to 15, 2002
Shawn sacrificed his future and convinced Jan not to have an abortion by agreeing to tell everyone that he was the father of her baby. John strong-armed Lexie and Rolf to obtain a DNA sample from Isaac. John and Marlena were shocked to learn that John was not Isaac's biological father. Marlena agreed to help John go undercover to find out who was really J.T.'s father and to prove that Hope was his biological mother. Hope and Bo struggled with the thought of losing J.T. to Glenn and Barb. Jennifer finally learned that Jack had lied to Greta and told her that he was gay. Sami and Kate put Austin and Will in the middle of their hatred. Lucas responded to Will's presence and nearly regained consciousness. Cynthia was out for revenge against Philip while he was just starting to get close to Chloe again by proving that he was capable of changing his behavior and acting more mature. Belle got Brady to admit that he had feelings for Chloe. Nancy was concerned over Chloe's health situation.
February 18 to 22, 2002
Sami and Kate got into another catfight as each was determined to manipulate Austin to their advantage. Lucas regained consciousness as soon as he arrived back in Salem. John and Marlena confirmed to Bo and Hope that Isaac was Hope's biological child, and neither John nor Stefano could be the father. Hope had memory flashes of a time in her past that she didn't understand. Hope was overwhelmed by the thought of losing J.T. to Glenn and Barb, but realized how he felt after she was determined to get custody of Isaac from Abe and Lexie. Abe was angered by Lexie's choice of Cameron as their attorney. Cameron's greed was not in Glenn's best interests. Roman and Marlena were shocked at Sami's behavior and lack of compassion for Lucas, as well as her plan to move to Hawaii after her wedding. Nicole told Austin that he was clueless about the real motives involving the two women in his life: Sami and Kate. Shawn struggled with his promise to Jan while Belle continued to be confused about his special bond with Jan.
February 25 to March 1, 2002
Jennifer put her plan in motion to prove to Greta that Jack was not gay; meanwhile Jennifer was surprised to meet Colin's possessive fiancée, Margaret. Sami's nasty side reemerged when she learned that Lucas was in Salem, had regained consciousness, and that Austin, Roman, Kate, and even Will were advocates for Lucas. Hope continued to have memory flashes of the past. To add to their mounting problems, Bo and Hope were stunned at Shawn's revelation that he was the father of Jan's baby. Mrs. Spears attacked and then accused Shawn of statutory rape with a 9-1-1 call to the police, but Abe intervened on Shawn's behalf. Jan considered leaving home to get away from her abusive mother. Abe was in disbelief to learn that Lexie had known all along that Isaac was Hope's biological child. Lexie blasted Rolf for bungling the DNA, which had originally proved that John had fathered J.T. Abe feared his marriage and family were falling apart. Hope was determined to find a way to gain custody of Isaac and hoped Lexie would understand.
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MARCH 2002
March 4 to 8, 2002
Belle was an emotional wreck after Shawn confirmed that he was the father of Jan's child but was confused when he insisted that he hadn't betrayed her trust and loved only her. Cynthia was about to get "video" revenge on Philip. Mickey prepared Bo and Hope for the worst: losing custody of J.T. due to Shawn's situation and Hope's tainted past. Jack tried to come clean to Greta about his "gay lie" when she told him she had feelings for him and that she was moving out of the house. Kate convinced Roman to help her with Sami. Sami blackmailed Victor into transferring Austin to Hawaii so she could keep Will away from Kate and Lucas. Nicole cooled off to Victor for Austin's favor. Lucas pleaded with Sami for forgiveness.
March 11 to 15, 2002
Kate offered a deal that Nicole couldn't refuse -- maybe: find a way to marry Austin so they both could get Sami out of their lives. Victor planned to sweep Nicole off her feet and propose marriage, unaware of Nicole's alliance with Kate. Jennifer's plan to prove that Jack wasn't gay backfired when Jack stirred up romantic feelings in her that she thought were buried in her past. Belle confided to a shocked Chloe about her breakup with Shawn, who in turn convinced Chloe not to look at the tape of Philip and Cynthia. Philip was determined to win back Chloe's love and trust. Mrs. Spears's plan to send Jan away forced Shawn to move Jan into the Brady house. Jan forbade Shawn to tell Belle the truth about their non-sexual relationship. Marlena and Brady did their best to comfort a heartbroken Belle.
March 18 to 22, 2002
Bo, Hope, and Chloe were certain Shawn was hiding something about his relationship with Jan. Jennifer and Brandon were surprised to find out who else was on their way to Las Vegas with weddings and romance on their minds: Jack and Greta, and Colin and Margaret. Victor was concerned that Nicole stalled his marriage proposal. Philip tried to cheer up Belle. Lucas asked Austin and Sami for forgiveness. Sami's family calmed the expectant bride's nerves as she prepared for her dream wedding with Austin in Las Vegas. Marlena pleaded with Sami to let go of her past grievances with Kate and Lucas and start her marriage on a positive note with Austin. Nicole managed to keep Austin occupied with Permalash business and her charms long enough to distract him from his anxious bride.
March 25 to 29, 2002
John surprised Marlena in Las Vegas and planned a special ceremony where they renewed their wedding vows. Marlena and Roman had concerns over Sami's pre-wedding behavior. Shawn was the victim of Jason's anger over getting Jan pregnant; meanwhile, Bo and Hope tried to figure out Shawn and Jan's so-called relationship. Victor tried to stop Kate from interfering in Austin and Sami's wedding for his own selfish reasons. Nicole pleaded with Austin not to marry Sami, and later realized the extent of her own feelings for Austin. Jennifer decided to spend the night with Brandon in Las Vegas for all the wrong reasons: thoughts of Jack and Greta, and witnessing Colin and Elizabeth's passion and plan to get married in Las Vegas. Lucas tried to make amends with a still-vengeful Sami. Austin was horrified to learn of Sami's deception.
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APRIL 2002
April 1 to 5, 2002
Lucas told Kate about how Austin had overheard his showdown with Sami, and that he had gotten it all on tape. Sami finally got what she deserved after Austin discovered all her lies and called off the wedding, with friends and family to witness her downfall. Elizabeth also learned the truth about Colin's deception, and she left him high and dry before their wedding. Jack thought that Jennifer and Brandon were getting too close for comfort. Greta set her sights on Colin, who had become a free agent. Lucas realized he had lost the tape while arguing with Sami. Roman and Marlena tried to comfort Sami, who was out for revenge. Victor told Nicole that he wouldn't settle for second best. Bo and Abe struggled over the problems surrounding J.T. and Isaac and the problems about to face both their families. The Salem Police Department, Bo, and Abe were called to stop an altercation between Hope and Lexie when Hope refused to hand over Isaac to Lexie. Austin decided to move to New York and accepted the job to manage Permalash -- but not before giving Nicole the goodbye kiss of her life and hopes for a future someday with him.
April 8 to 12, 2002
Sami continued to lie to Roman and Marlena about why Austin had called off the wedding. Kate and Lucas returned to Salem and Austin's apartment as they awaited the tape that would incriminate Sami and win back custody of Will. Bo and Hope lost custody of J.T. to Glenn and Barb. Shawn lashed out at Bo and Hope for not appealing J.T.'s case, and immediately filing for custody of Isaac. Belle and Jan had it out over Shawn, and after Belle left, Jan slipped and fell down the stairs. Lexie tried to use romance to win Abe over to her side in the fight for Isaac. Two thugs in Las Vegas pursued Jack over the cash in the switched briefcases. Jack, Greta, Jennifer, and Brandon were shocked to learn that Harold was Oliver Wentworth's son. Philip and Brady each tried to win over Chloe's heart in very different ways. Chloe's illness persisted.
April 15 to 19, 2002
Jack admitted that he was not really gay. Jennifer was furious and told Jack that she never wanted to see him again. A devastated and embarrassed Greta left Salem. Jan blamed Belle for her miscarriage. Abe and Lexie were given legal notice that Hope planned to sue for custody of Isaac. Nancy feared that Chloe's anemia might be something much more serious. Roman got his hands on the tape of Sami's confession. Chloe viewed the tape of Philip and Cynthia.
April 22 to 26, 2002
Due to Jan's manipulations, Shawn mistakenly accused Belle for Jan's miscarriage and caused more damage to their already-strained relationship. Philip was arrested after Chloe broke up with him after seeing the infamous videotape of him and Cynthia. Chloe still couldn't seem to shake her mystery "flu." Bo and Hope prepared for J.T.'s final farewell. Hope continued to have more memories and white flashes about her time as Princess Gina. Jack said a tearful goodbye to Jennifer and Abby and temporarily went to live with Vern and Jo. Brandon rejected Sami's attempt at renewing their friendship. Roman, Nicole, and Victor all inadvertently foiled Sami, Kate, and Lucas' plan to retrieve the tape of Sami's wedding day confession that could cost her custody of Will. The Bradys and the Blacks were horrified by the tabloid exploitation of their personal misfortune, thanks to Lexie's underhanded means to keep custody of Isaac. Abe was finally witness to Lexie schemes and lies, and he left her.
April 29 to May 3, 2002
Horton family and friends gathered to say their final farewell to J.T. as a heartbroken Bo, Hope, and Shawn looked on as he left to live with Glenn and Barb Reiber. Hope's dreams continued to draw her closer to identifying Isaac's biological father. Abe forced Lexie to decide her future by determinging whether she would be a Carver or a DiMera. Bo was determined to get custody of Isaac for Hope and informed Abe that he was pursuing legal action. Lexie tried to trick Celeste and Abe into thinking she was going to return to the Carver house with Isaac, but instead, kidnapped Isaac and was on her way to meet Stefano. However, Abe, Bo, Hope, and the police were not far behind. Jan continued to manipulate Shawn, as Chloe and Mimi tried to get to the truth for Belle's peace of mind. Jack was eating humble pie when he learned Jennifer was the new editor-in-chief of the Spectator.
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MAY 2002
May 6 to 10, 2002
Abe, devastated by Lexie's behavior, ordered the Salem Police Department to find and apprehend her for Isaac's kidnapping. Abe ordered the courts to issue custody of Isaac to Hope as soon as Isaac was found. Bo, Hope, Roman, the Hortons, and the Blacks all helped in the frantic search for Isaac. Brandon kept the truth about his connection to Lexie from Jennifer. Jack manipulated Jennifer into hiring him at the Spectator. Chloe fainted as she was about to leave for her audition in New York, while Craig learned disturbing news about her blood tests. Brady moved into the loft where Isabella's spirit seemed apparent. Belle still couldn't get Shawn off her mind. Mimi was onto Jan and Cynthia's plan to snag Philip and Shawn for themselves. Jack learned that he was competing against Colin and Brandon for Jennifer's affections. Victor stopped Sami dead in her tracks as he turned the tables in his favor and invited Nicole, Kate, and Lucas to savor the win with him.
May 13 to 17, 2002
Victor blackmailed Sami by forcing her to grant Lucas partial custody of Will after Victor revealed he owned the tape of her confession of lies and misdeeds. Victor handed Nicole a warning. Lexie went off the deep end after being released on bail, disowned Abe and Celeste, and seemed more determined than ever to win back custody of Isaac. Sami and Jack decided to make Brandon and Jennifer jealous while Colin was trying to make Jennifer jealous with Nicole. After a bittersweet reunion with Isaac, Bo and Hope jetted off to Paris to try to learn the identity of Isaac's biological father. Jan kept interfering with Shawn and Belle's possible reconciliation. Chloe missed her big audition at Julliard due to illness, but Brady was there to comfort her. Chloe and Mimi convinced a reluctant Philip to date Jan to help Shawn and Belle get back together.
May 20 to 24, 2002
Hope was convinced Bo was Zack's biological father after she remembered that she had made love to Bo in Paris. As Bo and Hope awaited hopeful results from the DNA test, the Bradys prepared a family reunion and christening for Zack at St. Patrick's. Sami and Jack tried to thwart Brandon and Jennifer's romantic weekend getaway. Colin attempted to entice Nicole into spending a weekend with him so he, too, could keep his eye on Jennifer. Craig and Nancy went undercover to try to reschedule Chloe's master audition at Julliard, but unfortunately seemed to make things worse. Philip began his plan to use Cynthia to get Shawn and Belle back together as Brady, Cynthia, and Jan were respectively infuriated by and receptive to the sudden change in behavior. Jan continued to manipulate Shawn away from Belle. Memories from the past tormented John, and Marlena begged him to end his obsession to take down the DiMera family. Lexie refused to accept Dr. Rolf's plan to drug Isaac and, after a terrible confrontation with Abe and Celeste, seemed to lose touch with reality. Dr. Rolf decided to go forward with his plan to return Isaac to Stefano.
May 27 to 31, 2002
Kim and Melissa arrived to celebrate Zach's christening with the Brady and Horton families. Bo and Hope asked Abe and Jennifer to be Zach's godparents. Craig feared Chloe's condition had worsened and awaited another series of blood tests. Jan and Cynthia thought they were manipulating Philip and Shawn into their fantasy romance, unaware that Mimi, Chloe, and Philip had their own plan going to expose their lies and reunite Shawn and Belle. Shawn and Belle, however, continued to be at odds. Sami tried to find out Brandon's weekend plans with Jennifer, while Colin made his own plan for a weekend away with Nicole -- and Jennifer. Abe warned a very distraught Lexie to accept the fact that "Isaac/Zach" was living with Bo and Hope and that she would be arrested if she tried to stop or interfere with the christening. Lexie threatened to sue the hospital over the baby switch. Simultaneously, Jack discovered that Lexie had had prior knowledge of the event and might have been involved in the plan with Stefano and others. Just prior to the ceremony, an elated Bo and Hope announced to family and friends that Bo was Zach's biological father. Lexie learned that Dr. Rolf had ignored her order and had proceeded with his plan to poison "Isaac/Zach" as Stefano's way to regain custody of the child. In order to try to stop him, Lexie forced Bart to help her and arrived at St. Luke's, impersonating a police officer.
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JUNE 2002
June 3 to 7, 2002
Lexie was arrested and later hospitalized in the psychiatric unit after her violent outburst at Zack's christening, but she claimed she had tried to save Zach's life. Kim and Melissa returned home. Stefano sent an undesirable gift to Zack, and Dr. Rolf let Lexie take the fall for his misdeeds. Dr. Rolf delivered a christening gift to the Bradys in Greta's name that was actually a monitoring device and more bad news for Zack. Abe was very concerned over Lexie's state of mind and feared for her well-being. Jack and Sami continued to plot to disrupt Jennifer and Brandon's weekend plans. Victor warned Nicole about Colin and demanded she cancel her weekend with him to handle business. The teens' plan worked as Jan's lies were finally revealed. Shawn confronted Jan and forced her to tell her mother and his parents the truth about the rape. Jan's mom finally came through for her and invited Jan to return home. Shawn hoped to win back Belle's trust and love if she would just let him explain what had happened on the island. Craig delivered very bad news to Chloe and Nancy that Chloe might have acute leukemia. At the loft, Brady experienced unusual happenings that were connected to Isabella. Despite their individual problems, Chloe and Belle delivered uplifting speeches at the graduation. Brady was a bit jealous of Philip and Chloe's closeness at the graduation. Teens and parents celebrated commencement and hopes for the future. The teens prepared for their final Last Blast dance at Salem High.
June 10 to 14, 2002
Bo and Hope took refuge away from Salem on the Fancy Face after hearing of Lexie's escape from the hospital psychiatric unit. Graduation was bittersweet for Chloe as she shared in the joy with her friends but waited patiently for test results that could end her future dreams. At the Last Blast Dance, Philip, Chloe, and Mimi's plan paid off as Shawn finally told Belle the truth about Jan's rape and that he hadn't betrayed her love, and he asked her for a second chance. Brandon's plan to spend quality time with Jennifer backfired as he unknowingly put Jack and Sami's lives on the line, was called away to help Lexie who was running from the law, and left Jennifer with Colin to help rescue Jack and Sami. Brady was unnerved by happenings at the loft. As Nancy and Craig's worst fears were confirmed about Chloe's health, Chloe collapsed in Philip's arms at the dance.
June 17 to 21, 2002
Chloe's friends rallied around her when they learned that she had been diagnosed with leukemia. After Nancy's bone marrow was not a match for Chloe, Nancy was forced to tell Craig the identity of Chloe's father and that a family friend had raped her many years before. Brady continued to receive "spiritual" guidance. Lexie was released from the hospital after Rolf paid off her psychiatrist. Lexie turned to Brandon once again, instead of Abe, and decided to take up residence at the Salem Inn to await Stefano's return. Sami gave Jennifer a piece of her mind and told her to make some decisions in the romance department instead of stringing along all of Salem's eligible men. As a result, Brandon and Jennifer decided to break off their relationship, and Sami went on a mission to win back Brandon's affections. Jack put his heart on the line with Jennifer and told her that if she wanted to get back together, she would have to go to him. John, Abe, Roman, and Colin all heard that Stefano was about to appear in Salem, however, partygoers at John and Marlena's anniversary party were shocked when the supposedly deceased Tony DiMera turned out to be the mystery guest.
June 24 to 28, 2002
Tony DiMera made his grand and mysterious entrance back to Salem in the midst of John and Marlena's anniversary celebration and announced that Stefano had been killed in a car accident in Europe. Lexie was determined to protect Tony from all of Salem's residents and honor her father's name. Victor forced Colin to break it off with Nicole or risk the revelation of his past that seemed to point to DiMera connections. Bo was suspicious of Colin. John reverted to mercenary mode to end the DiMera threats to his family and friends. Abe agreed to the DNA test on Stefano's ashes. Craig and Nancy requested Bo's help to locate Dr. Sykes as a potential donor for Chloe's bone marrow transplant. Philip and Brady ended their feud for Chloe's benefit and were tested as potential donors. Belle and Shawn got reacquainted and then helped Philip and Brady plan a leukemia awareness drive to help find a transplant donor for Chloe. Sami decided to befriend Tony in her misguided bid to get Brandon back into her life. Brady finally admitted his feelings for Chloe with a push from "divine inspiration." Chloe was overwhelmed and encouraged by the love and support of her family and friends.
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JULY 2002
July 1 to 5, 2002
Tony was onto Sami's scheme to use him to win Brandon's affections and ended up sealing a deal with a "kiss" for a favor down the line. Tony and Lexie disrupted the Horton/Brady barbeque to reveal the "bug" in Zach's "jack in the box" and prove their supposed good intentions, but not before Tony discovered that John had stolen "the key" to his future. Colin seemed strangely connected to the DiMera clan. The meteor shower was more than what everyone bargained for as one hit the ground on Airport Road airport, injuring Billie, whose return to town seemed unexpected and somewhat mysterious. Brady and Philip both shared part of their Fourth of July at the hospital with Chloe. Belle spearheaded a donor drive for Chloe. Nicole "fell" for Victor again in an unusual turn of events. Shawn and Belle's intimate Fourth of July at Lookout Point seemed to lead them to an unbelievable discovery.
July 8 to 12, 2002
The FBI investigated the meteor shower in Salem and the claims of a possible UFO sighting. The teens decided to stick together and lied to the FBI regarding "their alien encounter" and convinced their parents that the whole thing had to have been a prank. Kate kept Billie's arrival in Salem a secret, unaware of Billie's actual plans for Bo and others. Tony suffered another comatose attack and confided in Colin regarding his condition and family secrets. Colin caught Jennifer snooping after him, and Jack warned Bo that Colin's allegiance was to the wrong side. Lexie had her day in court, and to the Bradys' and Blacks' dismay, got off with probation and community service. Tony was furious that Lexie sued the hospital. Sami couldn't seem to tear Brandon away from "Lexie's protector." Victor wooed Nicole and tried to convince her that he was the only man for her. Chloe's friends and family cheered up her hospital stay. John promised Marlena that he would drop his vendetta against Tony. Tony asked Marlena to be his therapist.
July 15 to 19, 2002
John and Tony "seemed" to call a truce. Jennifer eavesdropped on Tony's conversation with Colin as he confided in him regarding the future of the DiMera dynasty and then played up to Colin to get the story for the Spectator. Tony invited John and Marlena, Brandon and Lexie, and Sami to a dinner party at the mansion with most of the guests quite surprised at each other's presence. Billie's arrival as the new rookie cop at the Salem Police Department shocked Bo and Roman, but they later agreed to allow her to be assigned to their watch. Bo was reluctant to tell Hope that Billie was back in Salem. Several members of the Brady, Horton, and Black families were surprised to receive an invitation for the reading of Stefano's last will and testament. Shawn and Belle had another strange encounter with the aliens; the man and woman seemed to be infatuated with Belle and Shawn respectively and then were frightened away when Shawn and Belle tried to communicate with them. Roman and Billie were called to a disturbance at the pier, where the aliens ran into some real human trouble.
July 22 to 26, 2002
The reading of Stefano's will left guests wondering and unsettled as each received strange gifts, recalling painful past memories and warnings for the future. Shawn Sr.'s mysterious gift of a tugboat and baby boy doll unearthed painful memories of his past that he refused to discuss with Carolyn, Bo, and Roman. Colin seemed more confused than ever over Shawn's reluctance to discuss their connection to Stefano's gift and the past. Isabella's spirit encouraged Brady to find a way to help Chloe. Nancy told Craig that she did not want to have another child, and that they would find another way to help cure Chloe. The aliens were making themselves known around town, and Belle was determined to help them. Jennifer wooed Colin to try to get the goods on his connection to the DiMeras. Hope told Billie that Bo and her family were hands-off. Billie's mysterious return to Salem as a police officer was heightened by Hope's decision to leave Salem to visit an ailing J.T.
July 29 to August 2, 2002
Hope and Zach left to visit J.T. and help out during his surgery, with Billie keeping a close eye on Bo. Shawn and Belle tried to teach the aliens to communicate, but the sight of keys, especially one with three prongs, made them fearful. Meanwhile, Tony, John, and Marlena tried to unravel the mystery of the key and its relevance to outer space. Bo and Abe got a big clue to the baby swap mystery while viewing the hospital videotape. Sami and Nicole both tried to get Brandon to confide in them regarding his hatred for Abe, while Brandon put his sights on getting to know Billie. Victor obliged Nicole and told Sami that Brandon was hands-off to her. Sami continued her friendship with Tony despite John and Marlena's warnings. Chloe's chemo treatments took a toll on her appearance while Brady and Philip each tried to find a way to ease her pain. Nancy's timing was of the essence to help Chloe.
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August 5 to 9, 2002
Bo, Hope, Abe, and even Lexie finally obtained proof that Stefano had engineered the baby switch. Lexie turned to Abe for comfort after she learned of Stefano's betrayal. She begged Abe to give their marriage another chance and promised that there would never be any more lies between them. In Iowa, Hope learned the truth from Barb about Lexie's knowledge of the baby switch, a fact that could destroy Lexie's future. Many Salemites were on the verge of solving the alien mystery without realizing their connection to one another; Rex and Cassie presented Shawn and Belle with a clue to their identity, a drawing of the key that John had stolen from Tony that just happened to be connected to the star constellation Gemini. Nicole hid the truth from Victor about Colin's intentions, while Jennifer tried to catch Colin in a trap. Bo was livid that Billie substituted herself as the "bait" in a drug sting to prove something to him, and then they were later stuck together in a mishap of nature.
August 12 to 16, 2002
Lexie's reconciliation with Abe was short-lived after Bo exposed her lies about how long she had known about the baby switch. Sami's future with Brandon reached a screeching halt when Nicole asked Victor to put the squeeze on Sami or risk having her secrets exposed. Lexie and Brandon took comfort in each other over the misery of their lost loves. Bo convinced Roman not to formally discipline Billie; he said that she had saved his life, and they had reached a professional understanding. Billie was disturbed over Roman's romantic interest in Kate and Kate's indifference toward the entire matter. Isabella's spirit was a catalyst to Brady's spontaneous apology to John and Marlena for his past behavior toward them. Brady's well-intentioned second attempt to connect with Chloe via "Isabella's intervention" was disastrous, as Chloe didn't want to be reminded of her mortality and went running back to Philip for comfort. Philip suggested that he and Chloe leave town. Tony couldn't understand why he kept dreaming of Marlena and her importance in helping him solve the mystery of his future. Marlena informed Tony that she could not see him as a patient. Unbeknownst to each other, John and the teens continued to be intrigued by the mystery of the "key."
August 19 to 23, 2002
Brandon's life was turned upside down after Sami was forced to dump him, unaware that Nicole was at the root of his unhappiness. Brandon warned Nicole not to marry Victor unless she really loved him, and then used Lexie's heartbreak in her own marriage to get revenge on Abe. Sami got the upper hand again over Nicole after learning that she'd had an affair with Colin; Sami threatened to tell Victor. Philip and Chloe were off to New York for some fun until Brady showed up and told her that he knew the whereabouts of her biological father. Cassie and Rex had memories of being confined after seeing yet another mysterious key that the teens found at the site of the "crash." Cassie's behavior frightened Belle. Bo told Victor that Stefano had put a hit out on Victor and that Bo and Billie were going undercover to protect him. Shawn was upset when he saw Bo and Billie kissing, unaware that they were posing as undercover lovers to nail the hit man who was after Victor. Nicole and Sami walked into the middle of an assassin's bullet, endangering many lives.
August 26 to 30, 2002
Victor, Brandon, and Faye kept vigil at the hospital, praying for Nicole to emerge from her coma, while Sami's conscience wisely steered her away from misguided thoughts of "pulling the plug" on Nicole to keep her from telling Victor why they were at the Salem Inn. Bo and Billie explained their seemingly romantic interest in each other to a worried Shawn as the product of undercover police work. Tony demanded his price from an unwilling Sami for helping her with Brandon. Sami reminded Colin that his liaison with Nicole could get him in deep trouble with Victor. Abe turned away Lexie, and Brandon lied to Lexie about how Abe had found out about their "affair." Philip's jealously seriously jeopardized Brady and Chloe's search for her dad, Dr. Sykes, Chloe's only hope for a bone marrow transplant. Marlena met the Gemini twins and was flooded with past memories when they showed her the same key that John had stolen from the DiMera house. Marlena had to warn Belle to hide the twins after mistakenly informing Agent Spector of their whereabouts and origin. Belle and Shawn witnessed Rex and Cassie's departure from Salem aboard another "spacecraft."
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September 2 to 6, 2002
Roman and Kate flirted with each other's affections for their own personal reasons with seemingly more than business likely to result. Marlena was horrified at the government's plan of captivity for Cassie and Rex and later convinced Agent Spector to allow her to be their psychiatrist and watch over their care. Philip made sure that Brady stayed away from Chloe and hampered their search for Dr. Sykes. Jennifer had trouble admitting and accepting the fact that Jack was moving on with Billie. Alice won the hospital cookie contest but donated all proceeds to the Leukemia Research Foundation and Walk of Light. Colin was on top of his role in the DiMera plan. Abe moved forward with his divorce to what seemed to be a glimpse of the old Lexie. Lucas caught Sami and Brandon in a compromising situation and threatened to alert Victor unless she cooperated with him. A desperate Sami agreed to Tony's plan to steal the key from John and return it to him in exchange for protection and a future with Brandon. Nicole showed signs of improvement.
September 9 to 13, 2002
John discovered that the "key" unlocked the twins' bracelets, only to uncover matching Phoenix tattoos all pointing to dangerous links to Stefano. Roman and Kate continued their cat and mouse game. Philip's joy and time with Chloe ended abruptly when Brady uncovered Philip's plan to keep Brady and Chloe apart. Nicole regained consciousness and was on the verge of revealing Sami's misdeeds to Brandon and Victor. Sami barely managed to keep Tony appeased by feeding him information about the "key" in the hopes that he would help her win back Brandon. Billie continued to report in to her mystery man but was upset that her plan to work as Bo's partner was thwarted by the mayor's request to have her work on his private detail. The teens moved into their dorm, unaware that the other "key" moved in with them.
September 16 to 20, 2002
Sami blackmailed Nicole into allowing her to continue her relationship with Brandon and get Victor to back off. Lucas seemed to know that Sami was up to no good and had something to do with Nicole's injury. Kate started to confide in Roman about her past. All of Salem gathered for a good cause to raise awareness and donations for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Foundation. Philip returned to Salem without Chloe, leaving family and friends concerned about Chloe's well-being and curious about what had happened during their supposed trip to New York. Circumstances forced Brady and Chloe to grow closer on every level. Jennifer reconciled with Bill, thanks to Colin, who she believed was being honest about his feelings for her. To protect Jennifer and get to the truth, Jack stepped up his plan to move into the DiMera mansion and get the goods on Tony and Colin, under the pretense that he would write a complimentary series of articles about the "kinder side" of the DiMeras for the Spectator. Belle and Shawn were allowed to visit the twins, who seemed to be recalling their past.
September 23 to 27, 2002
Jack moved into the DiMera mansion, but Colin fooled him and prevented Jack from being with Jennifer when Abby was injured in the park. Colin broke into the hospital basement lab and obtained critical information about the Gemini twins for Tony who was convinced that he was connected to Cassie and Rex. Sami continued to keep Brandon in the dark about all her secrets and then was unaware that she had sold a bogus story to the local tabloid about "aliens" being kept prisoner in Salem University's hospital basement. Lexie told Abe she was contesting the divorce and then tried unsuccessfully to buy Brandon's secrecy to keep their affair a secret from Abe. Kate finally agreed to go out with Roman. Victor and Kate both left Philip in the lurch unless he agreed to return to school. Cynthia was up to her old tricks as she plotted her revenge at the dorm and decided to stir up trouble by taking advantage of Shawn and Belle's tiff and Philip's misfortune as the perfect ammunition. Nancy and Craig learned that they were about to become parents. Brady and Chloe kissed and discovered that they had very real feelings for each other.
September 30 to October 4, 2002
Brady and Chloe became a couple, while Cynthia manipulated Philip's drunken display to ruin Chloe's 18th birthday party. Cynthia was livid that Belle was elected as the dorm's newest "heart-breaker." Shawn and Belle reconciled and tried to help Philip get over Chloe. Nicole forced Sami to hand over her blackmail material or give up Brandon for good. Abe and Faye rekindled their friendship, much to Lexie and Brandon's dismay. Hope told Bo that she was returning to Salem. Sami and Kate formed an unholy alliance to get revenge on Nicole, while Victor was determined to protect Nicole from the duo. Marlena orchestrated a release for the twins to her custody, but John vehemently objected, leaving the door open for Tony to find a way to become their guardian. Tony told Jack to leave the mansion, and Colin seemed more deeply immersed in the spy game since arriving in Salem.

October 7 to 11, 2002
The judge awarded Tony custody of the twins, but Belle found a way to make them closer to her. Philip helped Belle through a difficult experience at the dorm, while Shawn was forced to take a back seat. Bo prepared for Hope's return that seemed to hit a snag, while Billie continued to receive mysterious messages from a stranger that somehow involved Bo's long-awaited reunion with Hope and Zack. With Sami's help, Kate managed to find the proof to halt Victor and Nicole's surprise wedding at Tuscany.
October 14 to 18, 2002
Nicole warned Lucas to stay out of her future life with Victor, while Colin's kiss reminded her of what she might be missing. It wasn't Colin's week, as both Roman and Jack warned him to stop messing with their respective family members -- or pay the price. Celeste had a bad feeling about the twins, and Caprice had a bad feeling about "Celeste" and her past life. Bo searched frantically for the kidnapped Hope and Zack, while Hope was able to catch a glimpse of what appeared to be a "familiar" captor. It looked more and more like the unsuspecting Officer Reed had helped plan Hope and Zack's kidnapping. Rex and Cassie "tapped" in their college registration to Salem University. John and Marlena were unnerved with the news of Hope and Zack's disappearance. Belle seemed to be able to comfort Philip, who took a job at based on her advice, but Shawn was inconsolable after hearing the news about Hope and Zack. Brady and Chloe seemed to reach an unspoken understanding about their feelings for each other.
October 21 to 25, 2002
Abe was reluctant to trust Lexie, who couldn't figure out who was framing her for Hope and Zack's kidnapping, and the culprit was right under Abe's nose. Billie wanted out of her deal with Larry Welch after she realized how much she was hurting Bo, who was frantic to find his family. Hope tried to outsmart Larry's plan so she and Zack could escape. Philip's surprise for Belle's 18th birthday stirred old feelings for Chloe about Philip that seemed to shake Brady's confidence about his relationship with Chloe. Craig, Nancy, and Chloe shared a special moment with the new baby. The twins moved in to Hartley House as Shawn and Belle's respective roommates. John and Marlena devised a plan that would allow them to monitor the activity of the twins, their kids, Tony, and the "House of DiMera." Jennifer and Jack's spark of romance was short-lived when she finally admitted to Jack that she also had real feelings for Colin. Colin asked Tony to be released from his assignment so he could be with Jennifer.
October 28 to November 1, 2002
Dr. Rolf returned in the disguise of a professor at Salem University and managed to reprogram an unsuspecting Cassie and Rex to proceed with their "DiMera" mission. Bo and Abe went at it over evidence that seemed to implicate Lexie for Hope and Zack's kidnapping. Meanwhile, Larry was pulling all the strings and set up Zack and Lexie in the perfect setting to supposedly nail Lexie for the kidnapping saga. In her prison cell, Hope feared for the worst when she realized Zack was missing. Kate couldn't convince Billie to confide in her about her problems. Sami and Kate continued with their unholy alliance as Victor promised Nicole the demise of her nemesis. Jack challenged Jennifer regarding her feelings for him and Colin. Marlena went into a "trance" while "spying" for John at the DiMera mansion. Brady romanced Chloe in true thespian tradition.
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November 4 to 8, 2002
Zach was rescued from the arms of a "framed" Lexie, but Bo feared the worst after Billie found a bloodstained sweater, which she had planted as part of Larry's plan to frame Lexie, and an ominous letter from Hope. Brady professed his love to Chloe and vowed to help find her father so that they could plan for a future together. Nicole got the upper hand once again over Kate and Sami. Sami was jealous of Brandon's loyalty to Lexie. With evidence mounting against her, Lexie asked Tony to help her plan an escape. Tony rattled Dr. Rolf into telling him about Stefano's master plan that involved the genetic creation of Cassie and Rex. Shane Donovan returned to Salem with an announcement that he had earth-shattering news for John. Hope was shocked as she caught a glimpse of Larry's accomplice, Billie Reed.
November 11 to 15, 2002
Shane proved to Billie that she was working for an ISA imposter, and just as she was about to reveal the entire plan to Shane, Larry Welch shot her to prevent her from revealing his true identity. Kate was frantic over Billie's grim prognosis. Chloe received good news and learned that her new little sister was a perfect bone marrow match, but Nancy's unforeseen health problems tainted their joy. To celebrate, Brady and Chloe declared their love for one another, then Brady added to their moment and planned a surprise trip for them to California. Nicole managed to convince Victor that Kate and Sami were still out to get her. Filled with rage and out to seek justice, Bo strong-armed Lexie to reveal her part in Hope's disappearance and death -- or suffer the consequences. A reluctant and emotional Bo was forced to call a family meeting declaring Hope's death after receiving compelling evidence in the investigation process. The Brady family mourned for their beloved Hope. Hope managed to leave an important message in her prison cell for the authorities. Tony planned Lexie's escape from prison, but Bo intervened -- with devastating and tragic results.
November 18 to 22, 2002
Bo was charged for the first-degree murder of Lexie Carver, was denied bail, and was remanded to the Salem Police Department jail. Meanwhile, Larry forced Hope to read about her family and Lexie via the Spectator and seemed to thwart any chances Hope had of escaping to return to her family. Brady and Chloe's romance blossomed in the mountains of Colorado. Dr. Sykes explained to a stunned Craig that Chloe could never be his child. Kate agonized over her decision to remove Billie from life support, but Roman was there to comfort her. Brandon and Sami finally made love, but their time was cut short when Brandon learned of Lexie's murder. At the DiMera compound, Marlena found shocking evidence that linked John to his nemesis, the DiMeras: John and Tony were brothers. Bo felt Hope's presence, and Roman turned his back on the law and allowed Bo to escape from jail to find his wife and soul mate.
November 25 to 29, 2002
The Salem Police Department and Lexie planned an incredible and daring undercover operation to foil Larry's plan in order to save Hope and reunite her with Bo, her children, family, and friends. Roman told Billie that she would probably be prosecuted for her part in Hope's kidnapping, even though she claimed Larry had duped her into believing he was with the ISA. Lexie told Abe that she wanted a divorce and that there was no chance for reconciliation. Brandon was upset that Lexie hadn't confided in him about her part in the scam to nail Larry, and Sami tried to take full advantage of the situation and warned Lexie that Brandon was off-limits. Jack and Jennifer were on the outs after Jack learned he was one of the few that didn't know about the plan to free Hope. Craig was shocked and ecstatic to learn that he was Chloe's biological father. Nancy had another health episode. Brady and Chloe declared their love for each other. Marlena was haunted by her portrait found at the DiMera compound that seemed to trigger nightmares of her past with Stefano. Colin was prepared to collect his cash reward by fulfilling Stefano's orders to eliminate Bo. Tony was on the brink of solving Stefano's plan for his future. Tony was convinced that Marlena was part of his future and destiny, and John was determined to unravel their past connection. The Bradys and Hortons celebrated a true Thanksgiving together.
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December 2 to 6, 2002
Hope blasted Billie for everything she had done to Bo and Hope's family. Jack and Billie commiserated over their exes and then confided in each other about not being able to get over the loves of their lives. Dr. Rolf reprogrammed Cassie and Rex to eliminate anyone who would harm the DiMera family. Kate was almost killed in Rex's plan. Roman and Kate consummated their long-overdue sexual tensions into wild and passionate lovemaking. Tony was on the verge of discovering the contents and secrets of Stefano's diary. Nancy's health threatened Chloe's happiness and her potential bone marrow transplant if Nancy's pregnancy was not allowed to go to term. Brandon forced Sami to apologize to Lexie for sabotaging Lexie's friendship with Brandon. Abe and Lexie were close to reconciliation. Lexie was shocked to learn that she was pregnant and immediately assumed Abe was the father. Sami, who overheard Lexie's news, was horrified to think that Brandon might be the daddy. Hope and Bo finally found a way to enjoy a romantic night on the town.
December 9 to 13, 2002
Kate offered Billie a way to start a new life by offering her a job with Basic Black in Rome. Kate and Roman decided not to keep their affair and relationship a secret. Lexie was furious when Brandon, Tony, and Celeste suggested that Abe might not be the father of her baby. Hope had visions of Larry everywhere, unaware that he was actually alive and plotting his revenge against her by using Colin as his pawn. Colin and Nicole made love, risking Victor's wrath. Colin was instructed to set up his mark by the new year: cousin Bo. Tony discovered how the DiMera past was connected to Stefano's revenge on the Bradys and decided to pursue his father's ultimate revenge. Shawn planned his special night with Belle, as Cynthia used Cassie to try to break up Belle and Shawn. Dr. Rolf intervened and saved Kate's life by reprogramming Cassie and Rex to ensure that they cleared all offensive actions with him beforehand. John received DNA confirmation that he and Tony were brothers.
December 16 to 20, 2002
Nicole played into Colin's game and left herself open to Victor's revenge. Meanwhile, Jennifer finally learned of Colin's deception and evil ways and joined forces with Bo and Jack to catch Colin at his own game. Larry and Colin set their plan to murder Bo into action. After another confrontation with Bo and Hope, the empathetic brother in Lucas saved Billie from an old foe. Kate played hard to get with Roman. Nancy took legal action to protect her unborn child as Craig and Chloe's world came crashing down as Nancy's condition worsened. Philip painfully realized that Chloe and Brady were really together and that it was time to move on. Sami fudged Lexie's paternity tests and made sure everyone was convinced that Abe, not Brandon, was the father, but Colin was onto her game.
December 23 to 27, 2002
Alice Horton led the family in holiday tradition as each family placed their ornaments on the tree. John was relieved to learn that Stefano was not his biological father, but was not thrilled that he and Tony were half-brothers, as they shared the same mother. Sami's tampering with hospital paternity tests yet again gave Abe and Lexie a false reconciliation and expectant parents' jubilation. Cassie was determined to win Shawn's affections. Shawn and Belle prepared for their special night together. Hope was rattled with visions of Larry, unaware that he was still alive and planning his ultimate revenge. Jack and Jennifer professed their love for each other, but Jennifer was prepared to offer herself to Colin after she realized Colin's evil plan to murder Jack and someone else. Nicole and Sami were at Colin's mercy. Philip said goodbye to his family and friends and enlisted in the Marines. Nancy, Craig, and Chloe had reason to celebrate as Nancy's condition improved, and Craig announced that he was Chloe's biological dad. Roman tried to protect Kate while investigating the latest DiMera-related murder in Salem.
December 30, 2002 to January 3, 2003
Sami and Jennifer both dealt with their own deeds and demons in order to save the men in their lives and maintain their happiness and peace of mind. John and Tony faced off with no loss of brotherly love for each other. Victor was onto Nicole's infidelities and blackmail deal with Colin; he decided to take care of his bride-to-be in his own nasty way. Hope's visions of Larry might have more of an impact on her New Year's Eve than she ever thought possible as she thought she saw and heard Larry, not Colin, on the phone, plotting to kill Bo. Larry escalated his plan to eliminate Bo, but Shawn and Belle were almost caught in the crossfire. Nicole and Victor finally said, "I do," but to a mostly absentee gathering, as most the wedding guests were roaming the estate, looking for other guests, during the nuptials. Meanwhile, blackmailer/assassin Colin met his own nasty fate before he could carry out his assignment, and it appeared that many of Salem's finest would be likely suspects for Salem's murder at midnight.
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