Guiding Light Daily Recaps: Everything that happened on GL in 2000

Guiding Light summaries from 2000
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January 3 to 7, 2000
Cassie and Harley threw a baby shower for Blake, and filled her in on Cassie's storybook romance. Holly told Ross that she still cared for him, but wanted him to be happy with Blake and their children. Reva told Richard that Cassie really loved him, and that they had to work out their feelings for each other for everyone's happiness. Richard told her he was going through with the marriage, and none of it really mattered anymore. Richard confronted Cassie, but she did damage control, and they shared some special moments when she told why she really wanted to marry him, but then lied and confirmed that she didn't love him. Cassie lashed into Reva for betraying her confidence, and Reva left hoping that someday Cassie would understand her actions. In San Cristobel, Cassie was treated to the life and luxury of a "princess." Marah finally told Josh why Olivia had missed his meeting. Josh's clumsy and embarrassing apology to Olivia drew both of them closer than ever. Ross began Michelle's defense. Drew considered the possibility of Michelle's innocence. Danny manipulated an alibi for Michelle. Reva pressed Olivia for Jonathan's whereabouts. Abby told Rick that she wasn't sure that she wanted to have children. Beth's unselfish act solidified her future with Jim. Edmund played on Phillip's weakness, and was suspicious of Carmen's concern for Vanessa. Vanessa stirred from her coma, but Carmen took matters into her own hands to halt Vanessa's recovery. Bill was stunned when Pilar told him she was entering the convent.
January 10 to 14, 2000
Josh and Olivia made love, and agreed to continue their relationship with no strings attached. Selena and Reva bonded. Selena confided to Drew that if she made love to Buzz he would turn away, and Buzz told Jesse that he wanted their first time to be special and loving. Buzz's plan for planned romance failed, but he and Selena got the real thing after all. Pilar drew closer to Bill after she learned of Michelle's release, and decided not to tell Bill the real truth about her mother and Ben's murder. Jesse learned that Danny had manipulated Michelle's alibi, but agreed to keep quiet. Michelle and Drew made up. Edmund helped Carmen keep Vanessa quiet, and Carmen told Edmund the truth about Ben's murder. Edmund and Carmen continued their plot against Vanessa. Rick informed Matt that a sedative had caused Vanessa's relapse, and warned Matt about Carmen. Carmen prepared for damage control, and Matt restricted Vanessa's visitors. Abby told Rick the truth about her fears and uncertainties of raising a family. Cassie and Richard fought their real attraction for each other. Cassie was optimistic about a future with Richard, however Reva arrived in San Cristobel to tell Richard about Jonathan's whereabouts. Richard admitted his anger toward Reva and that Cassie was part of his revenge against her; he agreed they should go to Jonathan together. Cassie was stunned to see Richard and Reva in a loving embrace.
January 17 to 21, 2000
Cassie, Olivia, and Josh thought Reva and Richard wanted to be together and were unaware that the only reason they were together was to be with Jonathan. As Richard and Reva bonded with Jonathan, they both realized that it was over between them, and Jonathan needed to remain with his parents. Richard realized he really loved Cassie, and she was determined to stay in San Cristobel for her kids, whether or not Richard ever loved her. Reva and Richard parted as friends and wished each other happiness. Carmen told Pilar that Vanessa had shot Ben, and if she loved Bill, she had to leave him. Pilar's behavior confused Bill. Ruth told Michelle that she had lied, but Carmen used Danny to get to Ruth before she testified before the D.A., and then escalated her plan to eliminate Vanessa. Selena and Buzz took their relationship to a new level. Edmund pressed all of Phillip's buttons, and still held the "videotape" as his final trump card. Beth and Jim prepared to move in together. Harley and Phillip rekindled their romance in New York. As Harley told Phillip she wanted another child, a frantic Beth called Phillip in New York to tell him she was pregnant with his child.
January 24 to 28, 2000
Cassie dreamed up a master plan to make Richard desire her, while she tried to make him believe that their relationship was strictly business. There was only one big problem: Richard wasn't buying it. Cassie's plan lost a bit of steam at its peak when she developed a case of the measles. Phillip and Beth concealed her pregnancy from Jim and Harley. Phillip stopped Beth from having an abortion after he reluctantly agreed to let Beth tell Jim that he was the father of her baby. Harley was suspicious of Phillip and Beth. Josh told Reva it was over, and tried to spend some quality time with Olivia...until Reva arrived. Reva was devastated to learn that Josh and Olivia were lovers, and gave Josh back her wedding ring, vowing that it would never be over between them. Michelle's trial was off to a bad start; Ruth lied under oath for fear Carmen would harm her son, and Carmen deliberately fed information to the D.A., forcing her to testify that Michelle had murdered Mick. Vanessa struggled to warn Matt that Carmen had tampered with her lip balm.
January 31 to February 4, 2000
Reva and Olivia went at it over Josh, who moved into his new apartment. Josh and Reva had difficulty explaining their separation to Maura and Shane, and agreed to a family dinner that Olivia accidentally foiled. Drew's testimony gave Michelle hope, but Rick did more damage than expected on the stand. Jesse and Drew's relationship got back on track after a talk with the rabbi, and they made plans for their wedding. Carmen and Danny were both affected by Drew's involvement in Mick's death. Carmen feared for Pilar's state of mind. Michelle told Danny she was suspicious of Carmen. Danny blamed himself for Michelle's dilemma and planned to help his wife the "Santos way." Lillian cautioned Beth about marrying Jim for the wrong reasons, but agreed not to interfere. Phillip's dreams tormented him after he decided to tell Harley only part of what had really happened at the crash site. Cassie's friend moved into the palace. Richard and Cassie found it more and more difficult to hide their feelings for each other. Cassie collapsed after she tried to get away for a few days. A frantic and lovesick Richard rescued Cassie and decided to tell her he loved her. Cassie awakened and finally told Richard that she loved him. Susan and Max had a moment and then discovered Beth's prenatal vitamins. Meanwhile, Beth had decided not to tell Jim that she was pregnant because he told her that he wanted to wait to have children. Beth and Jim arrived home, misunderstanding what was going on between Susan and Max. Susan, in a fit of anger, told a stunned Jim that Beth was pregnant.
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February 7 to 11, 2000
Carmen plotted revenge against an unsuspecting Drew for Mick's death. Jesse testified for Michelle. Danny tried to convince Michelle to leave town to save herself, but she refused. Ross's witness gave Michelle new hope. Michelle confronted Carmen as the person trying to frame her for Ben's murder, and told Danny her theory. Carmen put doubt in Drew's mind as to Michelle's innocence. Drew recognized Len. Matt linked Vanessa and the coat she was wearing to Ben's murder. Edmund helped Carmen switch coats at the police station to remove the evidence Michelle needed to get her acquitted. Reva confronted Josh about his missed family dinner, and cited Olivia as the cause. Cassie lied to Richard again about her feelings and told him she was thinking of Hart. Cassie learned the truth about her inability to have more children and broke her engagement. Richard finally convinced Cassie that he wanted to marry her and make her and her children part of his family. Richard and Cassie shared their first "real love" and romantic moment. Everyone learned of Beth's pregnancy. Jim was elated with the news, and Susan was remorseful of her actions. Alan, unaware that Phillip was the father of Beth's child, discussed parenthood and adoption. Alan felt Phillip's anger toward him for not allowing him to know his biological parents. Beth prepared for her wedding. Harley convinced Phillip to give Beth away. Jim helped Susan understand that marrying Beth and having another child would never change his love for her. In a heated argument, Phillip fired Edmund and later, at the wedding, told him things were not working out. Edmund played his trump card, "the videotape," and blackmailed Phillip in return for his silence as the wedding march began.
February 14 to 18, 2000
Jim and Beth married amidst interruptions and uneasiness. After the ceremony, Phillip punched Edmund after Edmund blackmailed him with the videotape. Edmund got what he wanted from Phillip. Phillip managed to steal the videotape from Beth and Jim's honeymoon suite before anyone saw it. Harley was suspicious of Phillip's behavior. Alan and Phillip learned of the accident at San Cristobel, while Richard and Cassie cared for the injured at the palace. Carmen discovered Edmund's hold on Phillip. Drew learned that Jesse and Danny had lied about Michelle's alibi, Len. Drew broke off her engagement to Jesse, and couldn't seem to forgive Michelle. Michelle was furious with Danny for jeopardizing her life, and needed to decide whether or not to accept the D.A.'s deal. Josh and Reva made it through an uncomfortable family dinner and later learned of Olivia's badmouthing of Reva to Abby. Reva got a disturbing call from Hawk about his health. Bill and Matt started to piece together Vanessa and Pilar's involvement in Ben's murder. Bill got through to Pilar. Danny confided to Michelle that he believed Carmen was behind her predicament. Michelle took the stand in her own defense. Max and Susan kissed. Phillip and Harley helped Richard and Cassie investigate the accident at the construction site. Richard and Cassie followed a lead to Galveston, Texas, while Edmund tried to cover his tracks. Pilar burst into the courtroom and revealed that Michelle was innocent -- and she knew who had killed Ben.
February 21 to 25, 2000
Richard and Cassie tried to add a little touch of romance to their Texas adventure as they went undercover as a bad dishwasher and hot bartender respectively. Edmund was closer than they thought. Pilar's testimony naming Carmen and Vanessa as Ben's assailants was inadmissible to the court due to Pilar's unstable mental condition, and she was hospitalized. Michelle faced off with Carmen. David befriended Drew. Ross and the D.A. gave their final arguments to the jury. Danny's bid to force Carmen to tell the truth backfired, spelling more problems for Michelle. Ross contacted Ed and was puzzled by his lack of concern for his children and his reluctance to return home. Matt moved Vanessa out of Springfield and discovered her lip balm had been drugged to keep her in a coma. Maura and Shane manipulated Josh into spending more time at home with them, and less with Olivia, hoping to get their parents back together when Reva returned from visiting an ailing Hawk. Phillip and Harley enjoyed a romantic evening at the palace. Susan and Max's relationship grew, but their plan to spend time alone was interrupted when Jim and Beth returned early. In order to save Max from being caught, Susan took the family car, unaware Lizzie was in tow, and with Susan in a panic, the car spun out of control.
February 28 to March 3, 2000
Olivia was onto Marah's plan to break up her and Josh. Beth and Jim's early return from their honeymoon coincided with Phillip and Harley's rescue of Susan and Lizzie from a car crash. Tempers flared as everyone learned that Susan and Max's rendezvous had caused the accident. Beth and Phillip were devastated when Lizzie's post-accident checkup revealed a diagnosis of leukemia. A heartbroken and emotional Beth and Phillip explained Lizzie's illness to her as family members lent their support. Emotions ran high for Beth as she was on the verge of telling Harley why she felt she was being punished for Lizzie's illness. Richard and Cassie arrived in Galveston, but Cassie was furious that Richard had turned into "father protector." Working together put them in "close" quarters as they played cat and mouse with their real feelings for each other. Edmund ordered Gil to choose a victim in the latest staged construction site accident, unaware that Richard was the target. Richard and Cassie's quest to find out the truth added to more sexual tension between them. The jury found Michelle guilty. Carmen and Edmund celebrated Michelle's conviction with an added touch of misplaced romance. Pilar told Carmen she would get well and free Michelle. Danny, Josh, and Olivia teamed up to trick Carmen into a confession as a last-ditch effort to save Michelle.
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MARCH 2000
March 6 to 10, 2000
Harley and Max comforted Phillip and Susan. Beth and Jim bonded as Lizzie's family and friends threw her a party as she prepared for her first chemotherapy session. The pressure mounted as Phillip lashed out at Harley, but he later apologized, and Beth tried to reassure Lizzie about the effects of her treatments. Lizzie's illness struck an emotional chord for Edmund, as Phillip accused him of using the situation to his advantage. Gil was onto Richard, Cassie, and Noah's plan, and set up Cassie to teach them a lesson. Richard and Noah rescued Cassie from Gil, who was seriously injured in the scuffle. The authorities held Richard, Cassie, and Noah for questioning regarding Gil's accident. Edmund arrived in Galveston. Marah continued her plan to break up Josh and Olivia, but her curiosity foiled Danny's plan to trap Carmen. Danny disowned Carmen, and took drastic measures to save Michelle. Danny offered Bernardo his family's wealth and connections if he agreed to free Michelle. Bernardo agreed under one condition: Danny had to marry Theresa. Danny refused and angered Bernardo in the process. Michelle and Danny had an emotional visit as she told him she wanted a divorce. Michelle learned Father Ray knew the real truth. Carmen and Edmund continued their alliance.
March 13 to 17, 2000
Theresa forced a reluctant Danny to accept her marriage proposal to free Michelle who, in turn, drew strength from Rick and "Maureen," who encouraged her to believe she would have a future of happiness. Edmund conveniently arrived in Texas to help Richard, Cassie, and Noah. Richard suspected Edmund was behind the accident and ordered him off the San Cristobel project. Cassie and Richard grew closer and returned to San Cristobel. Bill found Vanessa, who regained consciousness but was unable to communicate with Matt. Blake enjoyed her celebrity status to a very proud and adoring Ross. Olivia rebuffed Josh's marriage proposal. Jesse pleaded with Drew to go to Michelle. Danny kidnapped Michelle as she was transferred to the courthouse, but Jesse was injured as he tried to help out. Lizzie began her chemotherapy and awakened to tell her very emotional family that she had dreamed she was an angel.
March 20 to 24, 2000
Father Ray helped Danny and Michelle evade the police for safe passage to San Cristobel. Rick covered for Jesse's faked heart attack and kept the truth from the police and Drew, but Max accidentally found out the truth. Rick feared Michelle would be captured as Detective Grant was determined to take down the Santos family. Cassie decided to help Danny and Michelle. Richard "courted" Cassie in royal fashion, and finally told her that he really loved her. Phillip decided to be godparent to his own child. Edmund continued to needle Phillip and told Beth that he knew Phillip was the father. Edmund played Phillip and Beth against each other for his own benefit. Harley grilled Phillip and demanded to know what Edmund had on him. Lizzie spent a day at Spaulding with Alan. Theresa and Bernardo made Carmen believe that they stood united, while Bill threatened Carmen with good news of Vanessa's improving health.
March 27 to 31, 2000
Harley tried to find out what Edmund had on Phillip, but Rick lied to her and told her that Edmund was blackmailing him. Harley, determined to help, continued her investigation anyway. Edmund and Carmen consummated their relationship. Bill released Pilar from the hospital, and she fled to Matt's cabin for safety. Carmen went ballistic at the hospital when she discovered Pilar was missing. Father Ray intervened, but Carmen refused his offer, and he used her unstable emotional state to his advantage. Vanessa emerged from her coma. Thanks to Maura's unsuccessful match-making, Reva realized that she had really lost Josh, and took a stab at independence for the first time in her life. Richard and Cassie decided to wait until their wedding night to make love. Danny and Michelle evaded the authorities in San Cristobel and sought Cassie's help to hide out at the palace. Unaware Cassie was hiding Danny and Michelle, Richard invited Ross and Blake to San Cristobel. Jesse told Drew the truth about his "faux" illness to help Michelle, and David continued his obsession to find Michelle and justice. Phillip and Lizzie enjoyed a day together, and Beth drew closer to Edmund. Blake discovered Cassie's secret as Drew arrived in San Cristobel, determined to find out who was helping Danny and Michelle.
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APRIL 2000
April 3 to 7, 2000
Olivia and Reva had words over Josh, but Reva was determined to live a life without a man. Selena stood by Reva. In San Cristobel, Ross calmed a very emotional Drew as she was convinced everyone was protecting Danny and Michelle. Selena was livid over Jesse's betrayal of Drew. Richard was furious that Cassie had lied to him about harboring Danny and Michelle at the palace. Later, Richard agreed to help Danny and Michelle at considerable risk to himself and the country. Harley was about to uncover Rick's dark past, unaware she might ruin her own future, even after Phillip and Frank had told her to stop meddling. Rick was fearful his secret would be discovered. Vanessa told Matt she had shot Ben, and that she wanted to step forward to clear Michelle. Bill begged Billy to find Vanessa, but he then agreed to help Matt for the time being to keep Vanessa safe. Father Ray was instrumental in getting Carmen committed. Theresa had Father Ray followed. Bill and Pilar enjoyed a little happiness. Jim convinced Lizzie to have her chemotherapy. Phillip was still suspicious that Edmund referred Noah to help Lizzie. Later, Noah discovered a complication with Lizzie's treatment.
April 10 to 14, 2000
Drew realized that Jesse hadn't lied about Danny and Michelle's whereabouts, but inadvertently gave Theresa the information she needed. Jesse left to warn Danny and Michelle in San Cristobel. After a mysterious phone call, Dr. Noah agreed to take Lizzie as a patient. Billy and Holly connected at an A.A. meeting. Pilar and Bill got closer. Cassie returned to Springfield to help Danny and Michelle, and Richard arrived unexpectedly to be with her. Edmund continued to befriend Beth and Lizzie. Beth unknowingly gave Edmund damaging information about Cassie's past. Harley and Frank set up Dr. Claire Ramsey as Harley began to uncover Rick's secret. Meanwhile, Phillip pressured Rick to confide in him. Vanessa finally got her way and told her story to Holly and a remorseful and emotional Drew. Matt reluctantly confirmed that Vanessa had accidentally shot Ben and that Carmen had fired the first shot and then tried to poison Vanessa. Father Ray located Ruth Lockhart. In San Cristobel, Theresa held Danny and Michelle at gunpoint. Danny subdued her, but accidentally shot Jesse, who surprised him by trying to warn Danny and Michelle about Theresa's plan.
April 17 to 21, 2000
Drew kept a vigil at Jesse's bedside as he fought for his life. Michelle and Drew reconciled. Harley agreed to keep Rick and Claire's secret. Edmund carried out his plan to expose Cassie's past at a very important San Cristobel press conference. Josh told Olivia not to interfere in his personal life. Reva asked Josh for a legal separation even though she didn't really mean it. Susan confided in Uncle Frank about her feelings for Max. Noah discovered that Phillip was carrying a contagious virus and needed to leave town -- and Lizzie -- for treatment. Phillip was inconsolable with the turn of events, and Beth was disturbed about the news and what it meant for her -- and Phillip's -- baby. Claire accidentally bumped into Michelle at the airport and decided to remain in Springfield. The D.A. reluctantly gave Danny, Michelle, and Ross 48 hours to produce Ruth Lockhart. Carmen found a way out of another police interrogation, no thanks to Edmund, who she took care of "Santos style." Reva and Noah got to know each other, and their subsequent car accident unknowingly involved the key to Michelle's freedom.
April 24 to 28, 2000
Reva supported Ruth and bailed her out after her arrest; Reva invited Ruth to stay at her home. Claire told Michelle the truth about her adoption and offered her support. Jesse survived cardiac arrest, and he and Drew committed to each other and marriage. Michelle and Drew reconciled. Reva learned that Ruth had lied at Michelle's trial and begged her to clear Michelle. In the meantime, Carmen and Edmund got temporary custody of Charlie and threatened Ruth to keep silent. Pilar and Reva teamed up and set up Carmen to reunite Ruth and Charlie and clear the way so that Ruth could clear Michelle. Josh had a heart-to-heart talk with Maura and Shane about his relationships with Olivia and Reva. Claire and Olivia renewed their friendship. Shane and Susan helped Lizzie deal with some of the disturbing side effects of chemotherapy treatments. Edmund and Carmen rekindled their passion for each other and celebrated their short-lived schemes. Cassie's past became a personal and political nightmare and challenge for her and Richard's relationship. Richard and Edmund faced off as Richard gave Edmund an ultimatum and was determined to keep his kingdom and Cassie. Cassie prepared to appeal to the people of San Cristobel about her past, knowing her entire future was at stake.
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MAY 2000
May 1 to 5, 2000
Carmen finally got her due, and she was arrested for Ben's murder...but later faked suicide as a ploy to escape. Springfield celebrated Michelle's release, and Michelle gave Danny the good news that she was pregnant. Frank was upset with his home life, and David considered resigning from the force. Abby met Claire, and Rick was furious when he learned Abby had rented Claire their apartment. Rick's secret was finally revealed -- that he was not a licensed physician. The people of San Cristobel accepted Cassie's apology, and she and Richard could live "happily ever after." Richard and Edmund reached an understanding about the past and made peace. Edmund took a stab at turning over a new leaf. Reva thought about going to work for Vanessa at Spaulding. Blake and Selena collaborated on getting Reva and Cassie back together at Danny and Michelle' party, but the reunion got off to an uncomfortable start. Lizzie's condition took a turn for the worse.
May 8 to 12, 2000
After getting past her anger and Claire's lies, Michelle finally let Claire into her life as they attempted some kind of relationship as mother and daughter. Edmund and Pilar refused to help Carmen after her fake suicide and escape. Rick told Phillip the truth about his secret after he bungled a simple medical procedure in Lizzie's treatment. Rick and Abby's marriage was tested, but Rick had some joy over Michelle's pregnancy. Lizzie decided that she'd had enough treatments and disappeared from the hospital. Cassie and Reva finally cleared the air after being stuck in an elevator mishap. Olivia called it quits with Josh, who was undecided about his feelings for her and Reva. Josh surprisingly asked Olivia to move in with him. Bernardo and Carlos threatened Danny and used Michelle's pregnancy in manipulating him to take over the Santos family business. Danny gave Carmen an ultimatum to turn states evidence against the mob to protect her new unborn grandchild. Richard told Cassie that he wanted to legally adopt her children, unaware that Edmund had just accidentally met Rob Layne -- who informed him that his divorce from Cassie had never been formalized.
May 15 to 19, 2000
Reva confided in Vanessa about her and Josh, and then accepted the job offer at WSPR. Reva and the kids were taken aback about Josh's decision to live with Olivia. Olivia interrupted and misunderstood an emotional moment between Reva and Josh ending their marriage to tell Josh that she needed to leave town due to a family medical emergency. Cassie was delighted that Tammy finally agreed to Richard's gesture to adopt her. However, Rob arrived in San Cristobel to inform Cassie that they were still legally married and broke up the happy nuptials. Edmund continued to manipulate various residents of Springfield and San Cristobel in his latest bid for the throne. Cassie tried to buy off her blackmailing ex Rob, but he reneged when he learned of Richard's plan to adopt Tammy. Rick and Harley rescued Lizzie and Charlie. Things got a little tense when names were suggested as possible bone marrow donors for Lizzie. Vicki noticed David's attraction to Ruth. Michelle told Drew she was pregnant, and Drew offered Danny a partnership in Millennium to ensure everyone's happiness. Carmen wanted Pilar to go into the witness protection program, but Danny convinced her to do the right thing for her children and grandchild. Danny finally told a furious Michelle about the mob's threats against them, and that the only way out was for Carmen to turn states evidence. Abby confided in Selena and Buzz about not wanting children, and Rick and Phillip decided that their secrets were best kept quiet for the greater good of all concerned. Reva found comfort with Noah after she said goodbye to her marriage with Josh.
May 22 to 26, 2000
Rob continued to cause wedding bell blues for Richard and Cassie. Edmund manipulated Richard and the press and blamed it on Rob to gain control of the throne. Richard arrested Rob, but Edmund ordered Rob's execution in Richard's name, unbeknownst to Richard and Cassie. Blake and Harley were arrested for solicitation after breaking into Edmund's hotel suite. Rick rescued "the videotape." Phillip agonized over his affair with Beth. Lizzie hid her symptoms from the family. Susan gave up her night with Max to be with Lizzie and the family. Noah had more bad news bout Lizzie's condition. Carmen and Claire formed an alliance to keep Danny and Michelle apart. Danny tried to convince the mob families that he was back in the business, but Theresa was determined to tell everyone that Danny and Michelle were faking it after she overheard their conversation with Drew and Jesse. Reva vented to Selena about Josh, and Josh and Noah just didn't see eye to eye about Reva. Olivia left to care for her ailing sister. Noah told Reva that her television debut had bombed, though family encouraged her efforts. Reva, in a moment of anger, challenged Noah to sex with no strings, and he accepted.
May 29 to June 2, 2000
Phillip and Beth were devastated to learn that Lizzie needed a bone marrow transplant. Jim finally consented to test the baby for donor compatibility. Phillip knew that Jim and Beth were expecting a boy. Jim and Phillip had words during a difficult day. Reva and Selena took charge as Reva broadcast live from Cedar's Hospital to communicate awareness for the bone marrow program and to help find a donor for Lizzie. Drew and Jesse finally made love. Frank was heartbroken when he learned that Eleni wasn't returning home from Los Angeles and that she had someone new in her life. Abby and Rick mended the rift in their marriage. Carmen wanted the family together one last time before she testified and entered the witness protection program. Michelle was furious, but Danny and the FBI agreed, unaware of Carmen and Claire's alliance. Ross and Blake discussed marriage, and Holly and Billy agreed to be just friends for the time being. After much hesitation, Selena finally moved in with Buzz. Max apologized to Susan and comforted her when he heard the news about Lizzie. Rick told Edmund that all the tapes had been destroyed. Edmund warned Harley to stay out of his business. Richard saved Rob's life, much to Edmund's displeasure. Rob wanted a day with Cassie and Tammy before he signed the divorce papers. Rob's desperation and assault on Cassie prompted him to kidnap Tammy.
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JUNE 2000
June 5 to 9, 2000
Carmen was killed by a probable mob hit during her final meeting with her family. Danny felt responsible and was determined to get revenge, even though it might cost him his marriage to Michelle. Michelle felt left out as Danny struggled with what to do, and Claire took full advantage as she ingratiated herself back into Michelle's life. At the memorial, Danny was devastated to learn that his mother had been cremated without his permission. He then grilled David about finding out who had killed his mother and then made Carlos believe he was back in as head of the family. Drew and Jesse tried to comfort Michelle, but with all the stress, Michelle suffered some medical problems, and when she couldn't reach Danny, she called Claire. Phillip and Beth learned that Edmund was Lizzie's donor, but also learned that Beth's new baby was a better match. However, Noah advised Beth that she would need to induce labor immediately in order to save Lizzie's life. Everyone agreed, except Jim. Family and friends celebrating Reva's new television career interrupted Reva's lovemaking with Noah. Reva, Cassie, Richard, and Maura created the perfect plan to scam Rob into signing the divorce papers and returning Tammy to Cassie for his freedom out of what he thought could be more jail time. Buzz reached out to Frank as he dealt with his crumbling marriage. Vicki and David bonded, as David continued to take a special interest in Ruth.
June 12 to 16, 2000
Cassie questioned whether or not she was really "princess material," but Richard was there to assure her that she would make a wonderful wife and princess. When Jim refused to allow Beth to induce labor, Phillip, in a rage of desperation to save Lizzie's life, revealed the painful truth that he was the father of Beth's baby. Harley and Jim reeled in the news and were devastated by the betrayal of their spouses. Harley poured her heart out to Cassie and Blake. Reva arranged for Lizzie to talk to a former leukemia bone marrow transplant recipient who gave Lizzie the faith and courage she needed to get well. Harley, Jim, Phillip, Beth, Rick, and Lillian all showed up to give Lizzie courage under very strained and uncomfortable circumstances. Beth went into an unplanned, premature, non-induced labor while talking to Jim. Michelle suffered a miscarriage while Claire appeared to play the supportive mother. Claire tried to convince Abby that Michelle needed to get Danny out of her life. At Carmen's memorial, Danny and Ray let the mob and their family think Carmen had left sealed testimony that could incriminate the mob if her family were harmed in any way. Ross told Josh to think about his relationship with Reva before calling it quits. Josh invited Reva to dinner, as Reva and Noah got closer.
June 19 to 23, 2000
Jim coached Beth through the birth. Lizzie's transplant seemed to be successful as friends and family rallied around her in spite of the circumstances. Harley and Jim tried to sort out their lives. Reva knew Noah was hiding something from his past. Richard warned Noah to remember why he could not get too involved with Reva. David and Ruth struck up a friendship. Michelle confided to Drew and Danny that she felt Carmen's presence in her life and future. Edmund made Richard and Cassie an offer they couldn't refuse to guarantee them "life happily ever after." While discussing Zach, an angry and humiliated Harley told Phillip she wanted a divorce -- and there was no going back. Rick told Claire that he knew she had tried to kill Michelle when Michelle was an infant.
June 26 to 30, 2000
Jim told Susan that Phillip was the baby's biological father. Susan lashed out at everyone, especially Beth and Max. Claire told Rick her side of the story about the incident when Michelle was an infant, only Abby couldn't seem to buy it. Abby and Rick cleared the air and decided to start a family. Claire manipulated a job offer for Abby in Washington, DC, to get her out of the picture. Drew told Max they were moving to New York. Phillip begged Harley to keep their marriage together. Jim and Phillip resorted to blows. Vicky encouraged Phillip to claim his son. Phillip held his son for the first time. Harley helped Susan deal with the betrayal and to forgive Max. Reva and Noah made wild, passionate love, and Josh was jealous -- and for good reason: Noah was lying to Reva about his daughter. It seemed as though Edmund had pulled through for Richard and Cassie in exchange for his return to San Cristobel, but it appeared he and Jenny were planning on double-crossing Cassie after all.
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JULY 2000
July 3 to 7, 2000
Jesse said his goodbyes to Springfield. Lizzie returned home from the hospital, but suspected that things weren't quite right with her families. Josh and Billy warned Noah not to hurt Reva. Reva believed Noah when he told her that he did not have a daughter, yet his mysterious phone calls continued. Rick and Abby's relationship was in turmoil because of her job offer in Washington, DC, via Claire's manipulation. Michelle still had visions of Carmen. Claire worked on Michelle and continued to drive a wedge between her and Danny. Danny accused Claire of ending Carmen's life, but Michelle defended Claire. Claire destroyed the syringe. Separately, Blake and Rick urged Harley to save her marriage. Richard and Cassie were tempted not to wait until their wedding night. Reva considered Noah's offer to attend Cassie's wedding. Emotions ran high for many at the Bauer barbecue. Alan and Lillian worked to reunite Beth and Phillip. Beth manipulated Phillip and Jim into meeting her for dinner in the hopes of repairing the damage to all their lives.
July 10 to 14, 2000
Claire told Michelle about the incident when she was an infant. Abby and Danny united against Claire. Phillip and Beth were furious that Alan had told Lizzie that truth about baby Jim. Harley got the wrong idea again about Beth and Phillip. Edmund gave Richard a special wedding gift. Richard reached out to Edmund, but his dark side took over, as he was out to ruin the wedding. Noah united Reva and Cassie for the wedding. Cassie took one too many of Blake's herbal sedatives to ease her wedding jitters. Danny got the goods on Claire via the hospital cremation records, but she talked her way out of it, and Michelle took Claire's side as Claire kept finding ways to manipulate Michelle. Claire made a mysterious phone call. Richard warned Noah to tell Reva the truth about his past before he hurt Reva. Olivia returned with a sexy surprise for Josh, but didn't expect to see Maura and Shane. The Springfield ladies tried to keep Cassie awake so she could say "I do."
July 17 to 21, 2000
With Reva's help, Cassie and Richard said "I do," and Edmund's plan to expose Reva was foiled. Phillip and Harley talked with no resolve. Selena accepted Buzz's proposal. Danny and Michelle reunited and enjoyed a second honeymoon. Richard and Cassie finally made love and enjoyed their romantic honeymoon. Jim and Beth reconciled in spite of Alan's manipulation, but then decided to leave Springfield. Susan and Phillip were outraged at the news, and Phillip threatened Beth that he would fight her for custody of baby James if she left town. Noah tried to go with Reva. Josh and Reva decided to handle their own divorce, which flooded them with lots of emotions, but Olivia's insecurities forced her to take matters into her own hands. Blake had writer's block and thought Selena's story might be the answer to her problems. Abby deceived Rick about wanting to start a family. Edmund manipulated Jenny and found out what he needed to know about Cassie's infidelity problems, while Cassie had her own concerns about the same. Josh invited Reva to his cocktail party, while Noah and Olivia had their own plans for each of them.
July 24 to 28, 2000
Reva stole the show at Josh and Olivia's cocktail party. Olivia wanted payback against Reva and manipulated a business deal to force Josh's hand to divorce Reva. Billy and Holly got closer. Claire threw a welcome-home gathering for Danny and Michelle, but Danny continued his accusations against Claire. Claire alerted her secret partner. Lizzie faked a relapse to prevent Jim and Beth from leaving Springfield. Harley and Phillip really talked. Phillip was prepared to take legal action against Beth then was elated to learn Beth and Jim had decided to stay in Springfield. Phillip's joy was short-lived when Jim said he wanted to adopt baby Jim. Selena couldn't seem to say goodbye to Drew and accompanied her to New York. Susan stowed away in their van, and later was forced to return to Springfield with Jim. Buzz awkwardly formally proposed to Selena, ring and all. Harley and Jim together finally got through to Susan and agreed to allow her to temporarily live with Harley. Carlos was out to cause trouble for Danny. Colonel Dax discussed Cassie's medical problem with Richard -- and the seriousness of the possibility of Richard not providing an heir for San Cristobel.
July 31 to August 4, 2000
Against everyone's advice, Phillip pursued legal action against Beth and Jim for custody of baby James. Abby returned home to rethink her marriage after talking with Reva -- and walked in on Claire and Rick. Claire's scheme was revealed to all, but Rick and Abby made a painful decision to end their marriage and go their separate ways. Mrs. Santos was revealed to be Claire's accomplice in Carmen's murder. Michelle continued to be troubled by Carmen. Danny and Michelle suspected someone was living at the construction site, and Danny got a real lead on Carmen's murderer. Beth pleaded with Harley not to give up on her marriage to Phillip. Max returned home to comfort Susan, and Harley, in turn, comforted Rick. Colonel Dax pressured Richard to deal with Cassie's medical problems. Richard and Cassie made arrangements to visit a clinic outside of San Cristobel to resolve, once and for all, whether or not Cassie would provide an heir for Richard. Olivia continued to manipulate Josh to expedite his divorce to Reva. Noah wanted Reva out of Josh's life.
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August 7 to 11, 2000
Josh and Reva's lawyers turned their divorce proceedings into a fiasco at Millennium that took the entire group straight to the police station. Olivia tried to make it up to Josh. Harley started her job back at the force. Phillip managed to alienate just about everyone he cared about over the custody suit for baby James. Beth, Jim, and the kids moved out of the mansion. Harley and Phillip argued over Zach and ended up making wild, passionate love -- and seemed as if they might be headed toward reconciliation. Susan and Harley reached an understanding. With advice from family and friends, Harley considered getting back together with Phillip, ever after Alan's harsh assessment of her inadequacies as a Spaulding wife. Maria and Carlos set up Danny into believing he had "taken care of" Carmen's killer, and then were delighted to learn his marriage to Michelle was over as a result. Selena might have a past connection to Miguel Santos. David and Ruth connected. Phillip tried to reach an agreement with Beth and Jim, but Jim's attitude toward Phillip might ruin things for everyone. Edmund rescued Beth.
August 14 to 18, 2000
Holly almost ruined the new construction deal for Lewis Oil. Josh was incensed that Olivia had played up to Alan to seal the deal, but later forgave her. Harley decided to find out about Phillip's intentions after Alan made her believe that Beth was the only woman for Phillip. Edmund agreed to help Beth get Harley and Phillip back together. Edmund's plan worked, as Phillip's jealousy prompted him to literally sweep Harley off her feet from Towers. Later the two reconciled via a car crash in a mud puddle, and rubbed their "messy and dirty" reunion into Alan's face -- and furniture. The press had a field day with the Spaulding incident. Beth and Edmund bonded, as did David and Ruth. Reva and Josh went at it over his casual sex life in front of the children and the nasty custody issues were up for serious discussion. Blake was enraged that Ross didn't want to marry her, and Buzz didn't understand why Selena wanted Blake's new book to discuss her past life as a call girl. Selena continued to hide an important past event from Buzz that could threaten their future.
August 21 to 25, 2000
Reva and Josh clashed over custody of the children when Reva felt Josh's sexual behavior was setting a bad example for Marah and Shane. Josh struck back by reminding Reva of her sordid past -- and that she was afraid Marah would become like her. Billy thought he had Noah where he wanted him until Holly verified Noah's story. Marah took advantage of the situation and decided to make a play for her mom's boyfriend. Harley's family was less than pleased at her reconciliation with Phillip, especially Susan, who felt she wasn't happy with either parent and went to Buzz for support. Blake was devastated that Ross didn't want to marry her, and was rebuffed in her attempt to change his mind. Selena agreed to tell her story to Blake. Maria manipulated Danny and Michelle to her benefit. Rick admitted the truth about his fraudulent past to the hospital board, but later learned he had passed the medical boards and Claire had been lying to him for years. Rick decided she needed help, and made a decision not to implicate her to the board. Richard and Cassie told Dax and Edmund that they could conceive a child and heir. Cassie had a minor accident at the palace that played into part of Edmund's plan.
August 28 to September 1, 2000
In a reflective and poignant evening, Josh and Reva finally signed their divorce papers. Reva talked to Maura about the divorce. Ross couldn't handle Blake. Cassie was put in a life-threatening situation, Edmund was the alleged good Samaritan, and Richard reacted on cue. Susan had a wild party at Jim and Beth's house that got Susan drunk, the house trashed, and the police -- including Harley -- on the premises. Maura and Susan felt the wrath of their actions. Susan's desperation resulted in her running away from home again, but her note left Harley and family thinking the worst this time. Maura met Tony. Aunt Meta returned and lent moral support to Rick and Michelle, and put Claire in her place. Charles Grant exonerated Rick and was onto Claire's part in his predicament. Father Ray took a bullet for his brother Tony. Michelle witnessed Danny's brutality with Tony, and his actions finally put an end to their marriage. Danny told Maria that it was over with Michelle and that he was taking over the family business. Maria was behind the problems at the Lewis/Spaulding construction project that were heading toward an even more disastrous climax.
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September 4 to 8, 2000
Richard and Cassie believed Edmund and hired his plant as Cassie's bodyguard. Jim was distressed over Susan's disappearance and blamed everyone else. A clue turned up that might put Susan in grave danger. Olivia was upset to learn of Reva's unfortunate sexual past, and later needed to deal with her troubled brother's arrival in Springfield. Josh warned Phillip and the workers that he would notify OSHA if worksite conditions were not corrected. Later, Josh was caught in a terrible explosion at the site -- all fueled by Maria Santos' order. Holly and Billy started their wild and wet fishing adventure. Tony put the make on Maura. Ray desperately tried to convince a very emotional Danny and Michelle to try to put their marriage back together.
September 11 to 15, 2000
Josh was trapped after the explosion at the Spaulding site, and Reva was there to save him at the cost of another life. Olivia's brother, Sam, met Susan and convinced her to return home. Sam moved in with Olivia. After an emotional return, and feeling guilty having upset her friends and loved ones, Susan lashed out at Harley for giving her up for adoption and abandoning her, and the reunions of her parents, Harley and Phillip, and Jim and Beth. Olivia and Reva clashed during Josh's recovery, and Olivia continued to lie to Josh to hold on to him. Noah might be an undercover agent. Reva, Frank, and Noah began a risky investigation involving the dead man's family. Cassie's new bodyguard started his employment. Cassie and Richard returned to Springfield after hearing of Josh's accident. Maria, Danny, and Tony hid the family's plans from a recovering Father Ray. Alan told Olivia the explosion had been set.
September 18 to 22, 2000
Alan and Claire were an item. Marah's attraction to Tony was short-livid due to his behavior and possessiveness. Danny warned Tony to stay away from Marah. Frank and Reva's investigation of the factory and search for Ramona turned nasty as someone ran them off the road, and all fingers pointed to the Santos family. Michelle learned she was pregnant and agonized over her choices. Claire encouraged abortion, and Rick offered to help raise the child. Cassie and Richard arrived in Springfield, and Richard considered ending his affiliation with Spaulding. Harley cleared the air and told Susan the entire story of her pregnancy in the hopes of winning back Susan's love and respect. Reva told Josh about the search for Ramona. Marah met Sam. The Santos boys suspected Maria was behind the Spaulding accident and Reva and Frank's near accident. Olivia finally gave Josh an ultimatum -- her or Reva. Blake realized there was much more to Selena's story and real-life connection to the mob.
September 25 to 29, 2000
Michelle struggled about what to do about her pregnancy, since she couldn't stay with Danny while he was still in the mob. She decided to have the baby and file for divorce. Ray told Danny he thought Danny was making a mistake, but Danny was resolute about heading up the family. The Lewises attended Diego's funeral. Sam downloaded CDs off the Internet and gave them to Marah, Shayne, and Susan. A mysterious acquaintance named Woody approached Noah. When Reva started asking too many questions, Woody told Noah that Reva was a liability. Each man warned Reva that the other was dangerous. Danny hired a new cigarette girl, May Merisi, to work at Millennium. Blake had second thoughts about writing Selena's story, but Selena insisted the story had to be told. However, immediately after, she was plagued with nightmares. Edmund tried to drive a wedge between Richard and Cassie by arousing Richard's jealousy.
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October 2 to 6, 2000
Alan hired press photographers at James's christening, identifying Phillip as the father and embarrassing Harley, Beth, and Jim. Danny granted Michelle the divorce, Michelle left Springfield, and May moved in on Danny. Noah and Woody both begged Reva to drop the investigation. Rick tried to convince Harley to tough out her marriage to Phillip. Edmund overheard Cassie and Richard's news of a possible pregnancy. Most of Springfield suffered through the Spaulding cocktail reception for Cassie and Richard. Buzz nailed Tony for trying to cheat Sam at dice. Susan and Sam tried to find a way to get the gang tickets to the concert. Beth wanted Lillian to find romance in her life. Reva's game of strip poker ended in tragedy.
October 9 to 13, 2000
Danny and May fell into a passionate embrace and made love. Selena was mortified by Blake's public announcement. Josh and Olivia created complications with Reva and Noah's attempt to cover up Woody's death. Tony set out to regain Marah's interest.
October 16 to 20, 2000
Josh and the kids tried to deal with Reva's absence. Maria got the goods on Blake and Selena's involvement in Miguel's death. Edmund blackmailed Cassie's obstetrician to tell Cassie she was not pregnant and later informed Richard that he was sterile. Jim's accepted Phillip's financial offer. Alan continued to bait Jim. Rick and Olivia got acquainted. May and Danny got close. Tony abandoned Marah on their first date after Maria instructed Tony to break into Selena's house to steal the locket, but the plan went awry, and Selena was injured. Pilar accidentally revealed the casino at the club opening, and Danny had to quickly cover, explaining that it was all in the name of charity. Maria was out to avenge Miguel's death.
October 23 to 27, 2000
Selena told Blake, in confidence, that she and Miguel had had a son and revealed the danger that surrounded them. Olivia pinch-hit for Josh with the Spauldings. Reva stowed away on a ship with answers to the illegal alien scam, and then befriended a young woman who seemed to have many of the answers. Noah joined Reva, and amidst the confusion, told Reva that he loved her. Buzz warned Danny not to mess with his family. Ross told Buzz to get the truth from Selena. Frank, Harley, David, and Buzz believed Selena was hiding the truth about Miguel Santos' murder; they just didn't know how much she was hiding. Edmund continued to torment Richard into believing that he was sterile. Danny's relationship with May blossomed. Danny signed his divorce papers. Edmund assisted Beth with more than the financial advise she requested, and she was flattered and enamored with all the attention. Jim fell prey to casino life. Michelle returned to Springfield with a medical emergency.
October 30 to November 3, 2000
Maria learned the truth from Selena about Miguel's death and that she had another grandson. Reva and Noah continued their dangerous investigation of the illegals. Father Ray got Danny and Michelle together as Michelle's pregnancy gave hope of reconciliation. Maria put a hit out on Selena. Selena finally admitted the truth to Buzz about her past and why she needed to leave Springfield. To allow Selena to escape, Buzz was badly injured by the mob and he was hospitalized. An emotional Selena stole a last moment to say goodbye to Buzz. Frank and Harley grilled Buzz about Selena's involvement in Miguel Santos' death, but he wasn't talking. Harley's anger and disappointment with Buzz caused a reaction from Phillip about hope for their marriage. Claire was determined to drive a wedge between Danny and Michelle by using an unsuspecting May. Michelle learned of Danny's infidelity from May. Edmund manipulated Richard into keeping his secret from Cassie. Reva met Ramona. Noah risked his life to save Reva after her cover was blown.
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November 6 to 10, 2000
Danny learned of Maria's part in the illegal scam, and managed to save Noah, Reva, and friends. Claire's plan to separate Danny and Michelle backfired. Buzz was mum on Selena's departure and his attack. Buzz and Maria reached an understanding. Reva and Olivia had it out over Josh, and Olivia called Reva on her selfishness and for always being an absentee parent. The Springfield teens continued their CD scam to get to the concert. Cassie, Richard, and Edmund arrived in Springfield -- Cassie and Richard to support Reva and help Noah recover, and Edmund to prove he was better for Beth than Jim was. Jim sank deeper into debt at Inferno. As Danny and Michelle were about to start their new life together, Michelle was kidnapped from the hospital as Claire's instincts raced into action. Maria reluctantly told Danny of Michelle's whereabouts. Michelle's worst fear was realized: Carmen was back.
November 13 to 17, 2000
Marah was jealous of Reva's attention to Catalina. Josh proposed to Olivia, and they set the date for New Year's Eve. Edmund paid off Jim's gambling debt with a very high price attached. Alan tried to calm Claire by lavishing her with gifts, attention, and romance. Carmen returned from the dead, threatening Michelle and the baby's lives, and Danny was forced to murder his mother to save them. However, before she died, Carmen revealed Miguel's affair with Selena. Overcome with guilt, despair, and self-hatred for what he believed he had become, Danny banished Michelle from his life, and made his confession to Father Ray. Michelle ordered Claire out of her life after she learned Claire had collaborated with Carmen to ruin Michelle's marriage. Holly and Buzz sparred. Rourke and Edmund finalized their plot to have Richard suspect that Cassie had been more than professionally involved with Rourke. Rourke, of course, disappeared. Cassie couldn't wait to tell Richard that she had been pregnant all along. Richard, thinking he was sterile, asked a shocked Cassie who the father was.
November 20 to 24, 2000
Cassie was devastated by Richard's accusations of her infidelity. Edmund played victim to Richard's suspicions of his possible involvement, but later seemed to have evidence linking him to the events. Claire got the boot from the Bauers, and was invited to live at the Spaulding mansion, much to Phillip's displeasure. Marah and Shane overheard Reva and Josh arguing about Josh's upcoming marriage to Olivia. The teens prepared for their concert as Catalina was sandbagged into joining them and keeping it a secret from Reva.
November 27 to December 1, 2000
Thanksgiving in Springfield was an overall disaster for everyone, everywhere, but especially at Company where Buzz got loaded and insulted all his guests. Susan invited Edmund to the Lemays', and the kids and Catalina were shipped to Olivia's as Cassie and her marital problems landed on Reva's doorstep. After Edmund romanced Beth, he agreed to stay away, leaving Beth breathless. Father Ray tried to convince Danny to give his marriage another chance. Tony joined the kids for the Nu Ground concert in Chicago. Blake thought she had found a way to get Ross to marry her. Richard learned that he was truly the father of Cassie's child, and that someone had gone to great lengths to drive a wedge between the royal newlyweds. Richard begged Cassie's forgiveness, but she was crushed that he hadn't believed and trusted in her from the beginning, and told him she didn't know if their marriage would ever be the same. Edmund was high on the suspect list, but talked his way around Richard and Cassie to look like the victim. The FBI invaded the Lewis, Lemay, and Santos homes and charged the kids with copyright infringement of CDs. The kids returned from their adventure and were greeted by their parents and Ross. Ross informed them all that the FBI was out to make an example of the case and that serious jail time might be in order.
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December 4 to 8, 2000
The Springfield parents were angry and frustrated over the CD scam and doled out what they deemed to be fair and just punishment to the teens. Alan and Claire's "hot tub date" was interrupted by lawsuit business. Susan left for Chicago to right things with Nu Ground and returned victorious with all lawsuits dropped. Phillip and Harley struggled with their relationship, while Jim and Beth's seemed to flourish. Phillip realized that he missed baby James. Richard was out to save his marriage and got closer to learning Edmund's part in the cover-up. Dr. Weymouth met with an untimely and mysterious death. Michelle told Rick about Carmen's death, then sought Father Ray's help in getting Danny back in her life. Meanwhile, Danny planned an important meeting with all the mob families. Harley and Michelle discovered that Frank and Rick both had a crush on May. Jim prepared to leave for San Cristobel.
December 11 to 15, 2000
Michelle vowed to get Danny back, but even Father Ray couldn't convince Danny to budge. Claire took Allan's advice regarding Michelle. Richard tried to make headway with Cassie while trying to prove Edmund's involvement in the scam. Marah struck out at Olivia for asking her to be in the wedding. Reva tried to help Marah, Shane, and herself accept the reality of Josh's marriage. Reva and Olivia, and Josh and Reva went at it again about the wedding plans. Josh told Reva that it was over for the last time, and he wanted peace in his life. Susan had a premonition of Jim's death. Marah played the affections of Sam and Tony. Father Ray helped Catalina get a job, and was reminded of the old days. Harley just couldn't seem to be civil toward Beth, even at the kids' Christmas party. Phillip asked Santa -- who was really Buzz -- for just one day of real happiness with Harley, where she didn't feel she was second best
December 18 to 22, 2000
Phillip continued to be torn between Beth and Harley's needs. "Nick" paid a visit to Phillip, Harley, Rick, and Beth and promised them better times were coming. Springfield laid to rest a good friend and father as all attended Jim's funeral. Edmund and Beth seemed to be the only ones to console Susan. Harley couldn't control her feelings of jealousy and hurt. Olivia and Josh prepared for their nuptials as Marah used Tony as a distraction to ruin the event. Meanwhile Reva tried to forget life with "Bud" and agreed to spend New Year's Eve with Noah and meet his parents.
December 25 to 29, 2000
The families of Springfield celebrated Christmas. Beth and the Coopers attended Jim's funeral. Edmund and Beth continued to bond. Marah decided to ditch her father's wedding by going away with Tony.
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