Sunset Beach Recaps: The week of May 24, 1999 on SB

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Sunset Beach Recaps: The week of May 24, 1999 on SB
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the week of May 24, 1999
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May 17, 1999
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May 31, 1999

Monday, May 24, 1999

An obviously rattled Tyus balks at showing A.J. and Olivia the autopsy report on Francesca. Though they persist with their request, the doctor refuses to hand over the document they need. An unseen and uninvited guest rifles through Olivia's living room desk. Meg icily informs Maria she isn't moving out of Ben's house but just taking a few days away from it all. An enraged Carmen confronts Gabi with the picture of her in Antonio's arms. Tearfully blurting out that she believed they were about to die, Gabi tries to defend herself but Carmen orders her to leave Sunset Beach at once. Meanwhile, Ricardo and Antonio share an emotional moment of brotherly bonding as they wait for the wedding to begin. Still unsure if a wedding is actually going to take place, Vanessa, Maria and Meg hesitantly start down the aisle. Brad tells Olivia he saw a woman who could have been Francesca's identical twin

Tuesday, May 25, 1999

At Gabi and Ricardo's Wedding:
Everyone waits impatiently for Gabi to walk down the aisle. Gabi is ready to leave, but changes her mind and walks down the aisle. Carmen contemplates whether she should interrupt the wedding with what she knows about Antonio and Gabi, but she decides not to because she doesn't want to hurt her sons in that way. The wedding takes place, and Ricardo says his vows to Gabi. When it comes time for Gabi to say her vows, she freezes and can't go on!

Brad told Olivia and A. J. that he saw a woman outside Olivia's house that looked just like Francesca! Now, Olivia is sure that Francesca is alive, but she still wants to see the autopsy report that was done on Francesca's body. She and A. J. go to Gregory's because Gregory is the on the Hospital Board. They try to persuade Gregory to let them see Francesca's autopsy report, but Gregory doesn't understand why she wants to see that. Olivia also sees that Caitlin has been released from jail.

Gregory tries to convince Caitlin that she needs to take back her confession because it will be very hard to get Caitlin acquitted if her confession still stands. Gregory told Caitlin that she needs to stop acting like a child and that she needs to stop protecting Cole. Caitlin told Gregory that she is not protecting Cole. Gregory tell her that he understands that through everything that has gone on, she still loves Cole, but Caitlin says that she is over him.

Annie and Tim talk at the Shock Wave. They talk about Gabi and Ricardo's wedding. Tim told Annie that he is over Meg and that he is ready to move on with his life. Tess walks in and she and Tim talk privately. Tim walks away and Annie went up to Tess and talks to her. Tess is very upset over what Annie had to say to her. Tess leaves the Shock Wave and sees Tim outside. She and Tim kiss passionately.

Wednesday, May 26, 1999

The Wedding:
Antonio asks Gabi to repeat the vows after him. She turns towards Ricardo and sees Carmen. Antonio starts, "I, Gabi, to you Ricardo..." Gabi faints. Ricardo and Antonio carry Gabi out into the rectory. Everyone is worried about her. Gabi comes too. She asks Ricardo to elope. He says he would do anything for her but everyone is out in the church waiting to see them get married. He promises to help her through the ceremony. She told him to give her a few minutes to freshen up. He leaves and Carmen enters. How dare she defy her, she asks. Gabi asks her what kind of mother is she and Carmen asks what kind of person she is to sleep with her fiancées brother. A priest no less. She told Gabi to leave and then she goes. Gabi walks down the aisle again. She's getting ready to say her vows again and she sees Carmen in her little spot with the picture pulled out of the envelope. Gabi told Ricardo there's something she has to say.

Caitlin screams. Olivia, AJ and Gregory all go running. Caitlin says she could've sworn she saw Francesca out in the garden. Olivia looks at Gregory and asks him if he still thinks she's crazy. Gregory, Olivia and AJ all go to the hospital. Gregory demands Tyus to show him the autopsy report. Gregory says everything looks in order until he flips one more page. He asks Tyus what in the world?

Cole is determined to find Francesca's real killer. He stops over to Caitlin's when he hears that she is out of jail. He told Caitlin if he can find the real killer they can go back to the way they were but she says there will be one thing missing, Trey. He's really not theirs.

Annie has another fantasy about telling Cole that Trey could really be his. She imagines a devil on her shoulder telling her not to do it and an angel telling her to do it.

Thursday, May 27, 1999

At the Church:
The wedding is occurring and Carmen sternly looks at Gabi but, Gabi doesn't care until Carmen takes the pictures out of the envelope. Gabi turn down Ricardo and runs out of the church. everyone is curious to know what happened and everyone wants to find Gabi. Ricardo runs after her. Maria asks Antonio if its because of the feeling she has for him. Antonio runs after her. Benjy wants to go home with Ben and watch Blues Clues. Ben tries to talk Meg out of leaving the home. Meg's parents wants her to come back home but, she refuses mainly because of Sarah. Casey went to tell the caterer to call of the food and Sarah comes after him she wants to kiss and make up but, Casey told her its all based on trust. Anyway they start kissing and Meg walks through the door. They stop and Sarah is very upset because she says that Meg is little Ms. Perfect that always comes running in at he wrong time. Michael and Vanessa plan to go away for a few days to catch up on their love thing. Michael says to himself that they won't have to wait so long. Maria catches her mother in one of the rooms and immediately wants to know why she was there. Carmen acted as if she did know what happened and Maria told her that she should leave. Bette asks Emily what's wrong with Sean and Emily told her that the church is where he started realizing that his family was falling apart.

At the Hospital:
Olivia, Gregory, and AJ try to get some answers out of Tyus. The problem is that within the autopsy of Francesca Vargas there was no recorded time of death or for the simple fact, a cause of death. Gregory threatened to get him fired and showed them another file that was basically the same thing. So Gregory took out his phone and Tyus wanted to know whom he was calling. Then Tyus gave up and said that maybe the information isn't there because Fran. isn't dead.

Ricardo's House:
Gabi comes rushing in to get her bags.

At Surf Central:
Gabi is crying and she's trying to get her bags pack while Antonio walks through the door. He tried to get a reason out of her, Why she wanted to leave and that he was not going to let her go. She then says that Antonio is not the cause and Ricardo walks through the door and asks why would he be the blame?

The Richards House:
Caitlin explained to Cole and Annie that she had seen Fran or thought she had seen her and that's why the guards were surrounding the premises. Annie went up stairs to her room and came back down saying that Gregory accidentally locked her out again. Cole tried to tell Caitlin that they could be the way they were again.

Friday, May 28, 1999

An excited Maria told Ben and Tess how the nanny's use of the phrase "right as rain" gave her a fragment of a memory from her years in Seattle. Later, when Benjy introduces his mother to his new kitten, Maria recalls the name "Franklin" as the street where they used to live. Tyus reveals to a stunned Gregory, A.J. and Olivia that Francesca was not actually dead following the final code blue in her hospital room. Sara again bitterly accuses Meg of running into Casey's arms every time her feelings get hurt. Determined to get to the bottom of Tyus' cryptic remarks, A.J. and Gregory snoop through his files and discover that the good doctor has been busy paying off some rather large gambling debts. Carmen urges Antonio to believe that he's better off without Gabi in his life. Meanwhile, Ricardo pressures his flustered fiancée to tell him why she left him standing at the altar. Although Tess feigns pleasure at knowing that Maria's memory is returning, the nanny secretly dreads having the entire past come to light. Declaring his love, Casey apologizes to Sara for failing to make her feel like the most important person in his life.

Recaps for the week of May 31, 1999 (Following Week)
B&B's Lesley-Anne Down shares scary kidnapping story


Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
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